They Arrived!

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29th October, 1976.

Some people were still mourning over their dead ones but most of it was clarified from their minds and everything was back to normal. The darkness had subsided and was replaced by the usual cheery air of Hogwarts. Now a days, a great deal of cleaning was going on in the school. And that meant every corner of the school. Tiering for the teachers as well as the students. And students were about to find out about the sudden cleaning of the ancient school.

The hustle around the sign board was so large that moving any ways was impossible without committing a sexual offence. Though, people were excited by the news so much to pay any heed to anything happening apart from that.

Charm had a hold of Severus' arm to lift herself up and peer on the sign board.

"Charm! You'll bruise me!" he cried in the crowd.

Charm looked at her hold and then him. She smiled cheekily. "Sorry" though, she didn't let go off the hold.

He rolled his eyes and then turned them to the sign board.


The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving at 6 o'clock on Saturday 30th of October. Lessons will be ending half an hour early. Students will return their bags and books to their dormitories and assemble in front of the castle to greet our guests before the Welcoming Feast.

"What is written, Mr. Tall?" Charm asked annoyed, for still not being able to see anything.

Severus looked down to her and smirked. "Only if you were a bit smaller, I would have picked you up"

That gained him a forceful swat on the arm. "Then get on the knees for the queen"

He rolled his eyes, pulled her out of the crowed and sighed heavily.

"It was damn suffocating in that crowd" he kept a hand on his heart.

"Dramatics" Lily rolled her eyes, who'd been waiting with others for both of them to come and tell the news.

"Fine. Go and see for yourself, Miss Perfect" Severus mocked.

Lily huffed, rolling her eyes again. "Start speaking"

Severus slumped. "The students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons"- he winked in Regulus' direction, who couldn't hide a full-blown blush- "are coming here on thirtieth of October and we'll be going to welcome them out of the castle when our classes will be ending half-an-hour early. YAY" he sneered.

"Severus, stop being such a spoil sport" Selene said, peeved by his hate for the tournament.

"It's fucking stupid! Don't you see that?! People had died!" he practically yelled. Why didn't anyone see how dangerous it was?

Shane groaned. "Severus, Severus, Severus. You don't have to participate if you think it's dangerous. It's anyways for the foolish Gryffindors" he winked.

That was a little consolation for him. "Right" he murmured.

Lily kept her hands on her hips. "For foolish Gryffindors, huh?" She narrowed her eyes.

Severus' eyes widened. "Lily, you are not going to participate for this idiocy" he said in authority of a friend.

Lily laughed. "Obviously not"

He sighed in relief. He didn't want any of his friends to be a part of this.

*Page Break*

One day passed without anyone's notice. And the Head of the House were draining themselves by the chattery and over-excited kids of Hogwarts. They were trying to get them into proper ques but only if the hyper-active teens were so obedient.

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