Attack on Whom?!

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No one expects the disaster, right before it's about to happen. No one had suspected it now, either.

Charm had relieved herself and was ready to walk out of the lavatory, when she heard someone whispering.

"It was an attack?" a genial but dismal voice asked.

"Yes" another disappointed male voice.

"I don't understand his strategy" It was Slughorn.

"This time I am unable to count on my assumptions as well, Horace" Dumbledore!

"How many households?"

"Many" Dumbledore sighed, sadly.

"Do you believe that he is in alliance with You-Know-Who?" Slughorn's voice held suspicions.

"We have to be careful about everyone, Horace" Dumbledore mumbled tiredly.

"The attacks are brutal like always" Slughorn's voice wavered.

"Students will be sent to see their families" Dumbledore assured. "The danger, as per I suspect, has averted now"

"They have left the mark in the sky, haven't they?"

"People have died, Horace"

Charm sucked in breath. There had been an attack? She grabbed her hair in frustration, her breath coming in shallow pants. Most probably the Muggleborns and the Half-blood houses must have been destroyed. The Dark Lord had been laying so low that none had suspected it now. Why? She broke into to run to get to her friends.

*Page Break*

"No, I believe Dumbledore is perhaps, gay"

"What makes you say that, Severus?"

Severus shrugged. "Don't you see, whenever his name is mentioned, there is another man"

Lily gasped mockingly. "True!" she laughed, earning a playful swat on her jaw by Severus.

"But what he is saying is right, Lily" Austin noted. "First, Grindelwald, then Nicholas Flamel and now, You-Know-How"

"See?" Severus leaned to Lily, his breath brushing on her neck, sending pleasurable chills to her spine. He looked thoughtful then. "Except for one"

"Who?" Selene asked.

"Agatha Malvolia. You wouldn't have heard her name, though" he told them.

"I haven't, at least" Shane stretched his back. "But when you have a total book with yourself, why bother reading"

Selene swatted him on his thigh. "So, what about her?"

Severus smirked. "Go to the library"

"Come on, Severus" Lily was using the voice with him.

He sat up straight. She could do it so easily. He shook his head. "Agatha Malvolia was born under a curse, she wasn't like any normal witch, she was different. And if I tell you long story short -I on the other hand read an entire two-hundred-page book for it- she had an encounter with a dementor. Dementor kissed her but she survived"

Other's eyes were about to budge out. "Survived? How?" Austin whispered.

He smirked again. "Library, people"

Lily kept a hand on his arm. "Severus, your story telling skills is so much better than that of a stupid book. Please, tell what happened next" she urged.

Severus shrugged. "I won't"

She swatted his arm. "Stop acting so pricey, Severus"

"Stop calling me Severus, Lils"

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