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Severus was sitting on a bed in the hospital wing, his legs stretched out and his hands in his lap where he's been staring for who knew how long after Madam Pomfrey examined him? After the lake incident he has only felt his world crumpling down beneath him. For Merlin's sake, who would not, it's Lily who's never going to talk to him. He had no idea in any hells about what to do. He had called the fucking wretched word to Lily, she most of all despised. He promised he would never do so, didn't he? But still he broke her confidence. It wasn't like they were on really trustworthy notes, they fought a lot before this too. All because of those want-to-be-Death Eaters. Initially, even though from a young age, he knew that associating with them is nothing more than keeping appearances. His mother had told him about non- sense blood-purity shit going on the world in which she didn't believe. Lily didn't like them either. But he did start getting on with them for more than just appearances.

After this thought he still believed that sometimes their support, respect and approvals did help him feel in place, as if he belonged. He was an outcast... the entire school was repelled by the skinny, pale boy with the nose who had no money to spare, however his friends didn't. Even though he fully well knew that they couldn't be called friends, but how much more did he expect from this world? He had a friend... true one... best one... who is now not talking to him either.

He felt numb. Didn't know what to think, what to do? He knew Lily is never going to talk to him, she'll most probably turn sooner to Potter than him. In spite of this, there was one little flicker of hope saying perhaps... maybe... everything can change. And he'll be willing to change his world to do that but then the question remains- how to? And what to?

A voice interrupted his train of thoughts, he looked up to see who was the disturbance.

"Are you listening Mr. Snape?... for Merlin's sake, I have been trying to get your attention for past five minutes" it was McGonagall, pursing her lips in disapproval.

He looked at her in sheer confusion for almost a minute. Still trying to take in the sudden change in mind background. Catching himself, he muttered a quick apology, embarrassed for not being attentive and she continued.

"So, Mr. Snape, as the incident beside the lake was related to me, it has come into my notice that you used an unknown spell on Mr. Potter which gave him a gash on his cheek?"

"Wait... it was merely in self- defence, I was minding my own business, when Potter and Black came attacking me and it was after they tried to choke me on soap." He defended his actions, this at least he did not deem as his fault.

"Regardless of that, Mr. Snape, you did use something like that with an unknown nature, which earns you a detention-"

He cut her "Why are you giving me that, Slughorn is our Head of House."

"Professor Slughorn" she corrected sharply, not too pleased to be cut while speaking. "And for what you need, Mr. Snape, I'm also the Deputy Headmistress whose word will remain above his, anyways, this detention to you is given by the headmaster."

The headmaster!!! Why in the blazing hell would someone take this to the headmaster, it was actually for self- defence this time. Oh... of course... Potter would do that to gain the favor of the headmaster once more after the Shrieking Shack's incident. First trying to play the hero, getting pats on his back and now playing the victim and earning sympathy.

"Whom do I have it with, Ma'am?" he asked glumly.

"Professor Sprout, everyday till the end of term for two hours"

At least, with Sprout, she was a good enough teacher, he liked her. Perhaps she would just assign him work and leave him to himself. And then she was way better than Filch.

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