This is Impossible!

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They both had been standing there for like forever. And nobody knew what the fucking hell they were talking about. They looked like the world was about to end and they both were the only people who knew how to save it. Shane and Selene.

Severus and Charm huffed in annoyance. They had no idea what was going on. They had been looking at them for a long time but nothing came under their comprehension.

Selene held Shane's hand urgently, speaking something too fast. Shane tried to sooth her by saying something slowly and rubbing a hand on her back. She again looked close to the tears of frustration. Shane cupped her face and kissed her gently. Selene again started blabbering something and he went even paler than before and looked away, as if to calm himself. He himself now looked close to tears. And this all was going on in a corner of the Great Hall.

Severus and Charm groaned.

"They are going insane" Charm banged her head on the table.

"Absolutely" Severus agreed.

"Don't you zink zey look worried?" Elias said, frowning.

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious, Elias" Charm banged her head once more.

Elias shook his head, desperately. "No, no, you know ze worried, worried... ze zing you can't zell"

"I still don't get it, Amedee" Severus gave him a tired look.

"Do they think we are not trustworthy enough, to have a share in their problems" Charm leaned on Severus' shoulder, making Elias edge closer to her in jealousy. She smirked internally.

"Their problems?!" Severus turned to her sharply, with wide eyes.

She gasped. "Do you actually think...?"

"I don't know-"

"SLYTHERINS!" Flint shouted, making everyone flinch. The Seventh-year Slytherin prefect. Not even one student existed, who wasn't wary around him and his scowl. He came running from the Hall's door to stand before the Slytherin table.

"RAVENCLAWS!" Sara Chang yelled at the Ravenclaws and stood before their table. The Seventh-Year Ravenclaw prefect and seeker. They all looked at her with a bored look. They didn't like to be disturbed when they were reading.

"HUFFLEPUFFS!" Abbot didn't yell like others, she simply called them out smiling. The Seventh-year Hufflepuff prefect. Well, they all smiled back at her when she come to stand in the front.

"You all know I don't possess the energy to yell... so, Gryffindors!" Remus said pleasantly. Dare someone to make him yell like others. He came and stood in front of the Gryffindor table.

"Would someone tell us what's going on?" Sirius asked.

Flint scowled from the far corner. "I SAID SLYTHERINS, and I believe Solace you are ONE OF THEM" he yelled at Shane and Selene.

Well, Selene was one of the very few people who weren't afraid of him. She shot a stinging hex on his wrist and gracefully took her seat on the table.

"You just attacked a PREFECT" Flint glared at her.

"Yes, I did" Selene said calmly, making Flint huff and face them all again.

Sara Chang narrowed her eyes. She had never like Shane and Selene being together. "Care to come here, Shane. You are Ravenclaw, remember?" she called out in an overly-sweet voice.

Shane gave Selene a look before tiredly walking to his table.

"Now, what?" Smith from the Hufflepuff table asked and all of the prefects looked at each other, as if in a race of who would speak first. But before any of them could, another voice rang the Hall.

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