I love you

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They sighed after the door was closed and sealed by Severus to avoid any sort of disturbances. They turned to each other, but didn't look at the other. They simply weren't able to. Lily built up her Gryffindor courage and came closer to him but still he looked away from her. She placed a hand on his cheek and directed his eyes to look into hers.

"Sev... I never knew there'd be this awkward moment between us that we wouldn't be able to look in the other's eyes"

"Perhaps, dating me was a bad idea"

"Sev! Please! I love you! It was one of the best decisions of my life... but you don't get this" she desperately tried to make the situation better.

"Lily, please, don't say it all as if we are not talking is my mistake" he said scornfully, not being able to do it in any better way.

Lily's eyes turned stone and she left his cheek, walking away and taking seat on one of the benches. She grabbed her hair and rested her head in her hands, trying to calm herself. She closed her eyes for a few seconds before raising herself again, to face him.

"Would you please, come here and sit to talk calmly?" she asked him.

He didn't answer but took a seat opposite her, so that there was a table between them.

"Did you even understand why I asked you to have a break, Severus?" she spoke again.

Severus looked at her and leaned back in his chair. "Because you believe that I am apparently not being able to fulfil your expectations"

Lily laughed hollowly. "Fulfil my expectations? What do you think are the expectations I have from you?"

He shrugged and looked away. "How am I supposed to know them? I simply know that you think I am useless and not to the standard of being with you"

Lily dropped her head in her hands again. "Sev, Sev, Sev..." she whispered. "How much you mistake me?" she lifted her head and got up from her chair. She rounded the table and sat on it in front of him, so that now, their knees were touching. "You know what I expect from you? Absolutely nothing. You know why? Because you are everything to me... I don't require anything more"

Severus looked away, hiding his trembling lips. She always had a way to make the talk fall this way. "Then why leave me?"

"Sev, when I said I don't have expectations from you doesn't mean all the expectations that you hold with yourself die together. You are a brilliant soul and much smarter than more than half of Hogwarts body. But as much I understand... I meant too much to you, even though, I realized it a few weeks ago... You can leave anything for me and I am aware, but I want to you keep the one whom I love. I want to cherish. Yourself, Sev"

He swallowed. "You could have told all of that before" his voice cracked, as he bit his lower lip, to keep it from trembling so noticeably.

Lily smiled. He was willing to hear. "I tried to, but I was too consumed by the fact that you are losing yourself because of me... I was feeling bad and low of myself, and I have to say, even though, you were a comfort, you didn't understand me at that time, instead... instead, took a personal attack on yourself. When I need you, Severus, I wasn't able to be with you" her voice turned to a whisper till the last sentence. This was harder than she thought.

Severus' face sharply turned to her. "I-I... Lily, I am sorry for that. Sorry for not being able to be when you needed me, sorry not being able to-to console you, but Lily, you didn't hear my part, either... You didn't consider me, either" he turned to his lap again.

Her eyes filled with tears as she narrowed them. "I didn't hear you?!" she hissed in disbelief. "Sev... You think I didn't hear you! It was you who didn't hear me!" she yelled the last statement.

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