54 I have no family

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Chapter 54 I have no family


Severus looked back exaggerating the hair flip and then tucking them behind his ear. 'Yes?'

Charm lifted her eyebrow. 'What's wrong with you?'

'Wrong with me? Please, Charm, nothing can be wrong with the most perfect woman of this place.'

Lily slapped his arm. 'Stop doing that!'

He gasped. 'Sev!' he said in the whiniest tone he could muster. 'You can't just go around speaking between people's conversations! Get your etiquettes corrected.'

'Honestly, Sev, if you don't stop doing that then...' Lily's face changed from annoyed to smug. She held Charm's hand and pulled her closer to herself.

'Sever-' Charm began to protest but Lily kept a finger on her lips.

'Shush... don't speak. Your eyes speak it all... everything...' Lily whispered, moving her lips even closer to Charm's.

'Severus, what do you thi-'

'Lily! No!' Severus parted them both. 'If you have forgotten I am one of the champions and one move you make will get me in the headlines of the newspaper!'

Lily sneaked a kiss on Charm's cheek making her yelp before smirking. 'As if you aren't already there.'


'Wait!' Charm yelled between them. 'What is going on?!'

'Nothing much, just-'

'Charm!' That announced the entry of the only person no one wished there to be at the moment. Elias Amedee. His eyes were narrow and filled with hate. 'Je le savais! Je le savais tellement putain! Tu me trompais avec ce... ce Zeveruz!'

(I knew it! I so fucking knew it! You were cheating on me with this... this Severus!)

'Elias...' Charm shook her head and sent a glare at Severus-looking Lily before grabbing Elias' wrist. 'Elias, listen to me. I don't know if these two are drunk today because both of them have lost their heads.'

'Save it, Charm,' Elias held a hand out to stop her from speaking any further. 'Ne me fais pas écouter tes bêtises. Ce n'est pas comme si j'allais le croire. Et de toute façon, aujourd'hui est la tâche finale. Bientôt je serais hors de vos deux vies!'

(Don't make me listen to your nonsense. It's not as if I'd believe it. And anyway, today is the final task. Soon I'd be out of both of your lives!)

'Elias, don't say that...' Charm tried before Lily had to step in.

'Umm... Elias... I am not Severus,' she spoke shifting awkwardly.

'What are you playin' at?' Elias said in annoyance. 'I know who you are.'

'Yes, I am not... it's a little complicated but to simplify everything. For now, I am in Severus' body, and he is in mine...'

'What?' he and Charm breathed.


'Don't lie to me, I am not that stupid!' Elias held his chin high.

'Honestly, Elias, don't tell me you are idiotic enough to not know about Polyjuice potion,' Severus drawled with a bored look... something that wasn't complementing Lily's face.

'I know about it!'

'Then how can't you believe this?'

'Now, I can because now I 'eard your rotten tongue!' Elias taunted, turned on his heel and left.

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