Destroy It!

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She was sitting in silence. Her anger had finally settled enough for her to think rationally. A book kept open on the table but her attention wasn't even a bit there. Her mind still wandered to her little display in the Great Hall. She had initially thought that no one would have paid attention to what she had to say. But later she realized that the Hall had heard her. Perhaps, it would have gotten into their thick brains that whatever she said was correct and they must know it.

A whispery chatter broke her from her train of thoughts. She tilted her face to see who it was and wasn't surprised to see Severus and her friends whispering among themselves and coming towards her table. She smiled and shook her head. Severus and solving-the-mystery seemed as best friends. She frowned. Best friends to him but after me, she thought and gave a satisfied nod to herself.

They noticed her and she observed that Severus quickly took the seat beside her. From the corner of an eye, she saw him staring at her. He brought up a hand and closed the book that was opened in front of her. She finally turned to her face to him and frowned.

He leaned closer and whispered. "You're alright, aren't you?"

She blushed and twirled her hands in her lap. "I am"

He sat up straighter in his seat and seemed to hesitate. "Did I mention that I am very much grateful to Merlin that you are my friend"

Lily blushed deeper and clutched her robes in her lap. Him looking at her so intently was making her nervous. "I am too, Sev" she managed.

Severus smiled and looked in his lap. "I happen to know"

She swatted his arm playfully and they laughed. Why was there too much silence around? They looked around themselves and just as immediately the people around them started chattering.

"So, what was I saying?" Shane stammered.

"I was thinking that we need to plan this" Selene pointed on a random book lying on the table.

"Do you think we can-" Austin tried.

"You all can just shut up" Severus growled in irritation. Anyone can tell they had been listening to his and Lily's conversation.

They flushed, knowing that they were out.

"So, we must tell Lily what happened" Charm suggested.

"Yeah... YEAH" Shane cleared.

"Shane you can stop yelling" Selene glared at him. He just gave a sheepish smile in response.

"What happened?" Lily asked.

They all looked at each other before Austin gave out and started speaking.

"So, after you went away from the Great Hall, people returned to their breakfasts again and then-"

"I'll tell. It's fine, Austin" Severus huffed by the unnecessary amount of information. He waved his wand in the air. "Muffliato. So, Potter's father showed up and for his son's safety he is bringing Dementors to the school"

"Whoa! That was quick" Austin exclaimed.

"Yes, Austin, we could simply cut-"

Severus cut Selene. "This is something I cannot cut, though, that Potter's father threatened to spank him in the Hall" he laughed.

The others rolled their eyes. Severus would remain Severus.

Lily's eyes widened in amusement. "Wait! This is too much to take in. Potter's father threatened to spank him" she laughed too.

Severus couldn't contain himself, he had to give the details too, making them laugh stupidly for another seven minutes.

"Severus!" Selene glowered. "This is what you caught from the show that too place in the Hall, Lily!"

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