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Two weeks. Two Manors. Though she didn't have a bad feeling about this place, at least and he loved to see her carefree and bright.

It was sunny outside that made the green grass surrounding the building look dazzling. The white rabbits ran around the place, hoping freely. The light breezes blowing through their hair. Some of them rolled over her face and he had to fight a strong urge to tuck them behind her ears, nothing must obstruct her pretty face. He smiled when she did it herself and viewed around grinning. It was evident she was in love with the place.

The Longbottom Manor. They were brought to the gate by a house-elf, Lily had insisted to view the huge garden. They came near the door and it opened automatically, a small figure of a house-elf came into view. The house-elf smiled and welcomed them. He escorted them to the sitting room, where Mrs. Augusta Longbottom was there to greet them.

Lily intertwined her fingers with Severus, that felt like he held the entire world in his hands. Her warm fingers against his cold ones, felt just right, as if they belonged there.

Mrs. Longbottom regarded them critically. Her old body, held up straight with pride and her chin in the air. Her eyes clearly warned anyone to not mess with her. They straightened under the gaze.

Lily smiled warily. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Longbottom. Nice to meet you"

Severus tried to do the same. "A pleasant day at your beautiful manor it is Mrs. Longbottom. Nice to meet you"

Mrs. Longbottom's eyes shot in his direction and he suddenly felt intimidated by her. What did he do wrong?

Then her eyes went to their intertwined fingers between them. They pulled themselves apart instinctively. Lily hadn't even realized that she had Severus' hand into hers. It had felt so natural. Hers fit perfectly in his. She blushed internally. What was wrong with her?

"Just like Frank mentioned" Mrs. Longbottom said. "You both suit fine together"

"We are not together, Mrs. Longbottom" they mumbled, flushing a deep shade of red. Frank was about to have a punch or two. What the fuck did he mention?

But Severus was quite pleased by the idea of Frank thinking they suit fine together. He smirked internally, despite of himself.

She ignored them. "You are a Slytherin and you a Gryffindor?" she asked, pointing towards them.

"Yes, Ma'am" they mumbled again.

"Come, sit, Mr. Snape and Miss Evans" she changed the topic quite suddenly.

They both were confused but compiled to what she asked.

"You both got your O.W.L results, didn't you?"

"Yes, Ma'am" they nodded.

"How many O.W.Ls did you get, Miss Evans?" Mrs. Longbottom inquired.

Lily cleared her throat. "Nine, Ma'am. Astronomy, Charms, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Potions, Defence against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures"

"Acceptable" she sniffed. "And you Mr. Snape?"

Severus cleared his throat. "Nine, and the same, Ma'am"

"Ah... that means you both were studying together" she looked amused.

They flushed again. "Umm... we are friends, Ma'am. So, supposedly we were studying together" he muttered. Mrs. Longbottom was thoroughly enjoying it.

"So, I believe-"

"Mum!" an irritated baritone came from the door way, cutting Mrs. Longbottom. "Stop embarrassing them!" It was Frank and Alice was standing beside him.

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