The Wretch and the Doe

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There was total silence in the library for a few moments. The wind blowing up from the window, filling in the room and washing through their hair, were the only sounds heard. After a while Lily thought of breaking the tense silence with a grumbling noise in her throat and all the faces turned to her.

"I talked to that wretch. Arrogant till the core, even more than Potter was. She says she was with you earlier, Shane?"

Shane didn't even move a muscle. He kept his head bowed down, fixedly staring at the table. "We were" he whispered so low that everyone almost missed it.

"And she must have told you all nonsense about him, didn't she?!" Selene snarled.

Lily looked hesitant. "S-She did"

"But what did she do?" Severus asked, almost trying to escape Selene by dissolving in the chair.

"She was everything I would have loved" Shane smiled sadly. "But perhaps, I wasn't good enough. A filthy half-blood who couldn't stand her standards"

"Shane!" Selene thundered. "You won't say that ever again!"

Shane looked at her. "Accept that, Selene"

Selene came and sat on the table in front of Shane, taking his hands into hers. "You still believe that?"

He kissed her hands and smiled genuinely. "I don't care, now. I have you and I know you are not her"

She shook her head. "No" she whispered. "I know what must be treasured"

Severus cleared his throat, earning warning glances from Austin and Charm. He ignored them. "Would you tell us what exactly happened? I mean, if you can without murdering her, Selene"

Lily nudged him sharply in the ribs. "If you are comfortable, is more tactful, isn't it, Sev?"

"Yeah... Sorry" he mumbled.

Shane laughed, though tears shone his eyes. He looked at Selene. "It's the first time I'll talk about it after it happened, perhaps" he smiled. "Selene did that last time for me"

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Shane" Selene assured.

"Wait. I say, better don't any. Hearing you makes me feel like it's something terrific and it's just going to bring bad memories back" Severus held his hands out.

Shane shook his head and chuckled. "It's fine"

Selene nodded, slid down from the table and sat beside him, taking his hand into hers. He smiled and faced Lily and Severus again, who sat straighter, readying themselves for the tale.

"She was my friend, T-Tvora. It grew and we started dating. You know, girls are mad behind me" he tried to joke but Selene glowered at him for it. He winked at her and continued.

"So, she didn't know that I was a half-blood until then. She is a Pureblood, I tell you. She took it as me daring to look superior to others and an insult to her standards. My place was supposed to be in her shoes according to her and I had forgotten that fact"

He paused and took a deep breath. "I should have been punished. She being rich and with contacts, got a... a Morsus Draught" his hold tightened on Selene's hand. "I was given that very easily. I was a fool, after falling for her, I wouldn't even have suspected a single thing she gave me"

He looked at Selene once and then lowered his eyes. "I was... raped then"

Lily and Severus gasped and reached out for each other's hands. This all was reminding Severus of the summers that he wanted so desperately to forget.

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