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A few days passed, with Severus' birthday. He was seventeen! And it would have taken everything to take the foolish grin off his face. Any of his birthdays weren't as exciting as this one. He almost had everything he would have wanted in a happy life. Everything.

The reason was enough for him to dissolve in tears the first thing in the morning and cry on Lily's shoulder for almost an hour. She had laughed after he was over and had given him a fiery Gryffindor-ish kiss and told him how much hotter he was looking, obviously, making him blush violently. Couldn't forget that she also mentioned her jealousy for him being seventeen before her.

His friends were home that made him cry for the again in the day that Lily had to divert with her silly jokes every time he came close to tears.

Petunia and Mr. Evans had made him a chocolate cake, that she argued was a little burnt because of him, though, Severus thought it tasted great. He never had admitted this loudly but he had always known that Petunia was a great cook. They would still always fight in the kitchen, for the number one place.

At the end of the day, Mrs. Evans had taken him to his mother's grave. Another reason for him to hug her crazy and cry for eternity but he had just given her a smile with his eyes holding great gratitude.

He didn't know for how long he just sat there with his mother's grave, talking and telling her about random things, until Mrs. Evans called him to get to home again. He had reluctantly gotten up to get to the car.

The day was as happy as anything could be. Nobody had ever before made him feel so special. He had slept with a smile on his face.

But now, when he thought about that, it sounded so stupid to hear, the first spell he did when he turned seventeen. He had tried the Accio spell first to bring himself a comb. Honestly. But at that time, he and Lily had jumped on the bed in the excitement. How childish.

Now, was the next day and he was leaning on the desk chair of Lily's room, rocking it back and forth even though it wasn't meant to do so. Sirius had written him a letter. And as shocked as he was by it, he also couldn't deny the fact that Sirius could be so foolish to do so on the last day of holidays.

As Severus read through the entire thing, he rolled his eyes on the tale of the happenings of the Yule Ball that were described in the letter. He had known everything, seen it all rather, but then Sirius didn't know that. He had happily written about him and Remus being together now, exaggerating it all, of course.

Though, Severus had to chuckle and admit that the way of writing was rather hilarious. Sirius was such a hopeless romantic in that.

That is when another owl came to his window. He opened it and took the letter it was carrying. He opened the scroll and rolled his eyes again. It was from Remus. He had described the entire Yule Ball incident to him too, though, in a slightly different way.

Severus was amazed to notice that both of the stupid Gryffindors had written to him on the same date. How idiotic! Who chooses the last day? Oh... that is because, so that, they could easily talk about that the next day. How moronic could one be?! Severus had to admit they both- Sirius and Remus were meant for each other.

Lily entered her room then and jumped on him from the back, startling him, or giving him a mini heart attack.

"Lily..." he breathed.

"Yes" she grinned.

"You scared me!"

"Intended to" she kissed his cheek and separated, noticing two parchments in his hand. "What are these?"

He looked up at her and held them in her face. "Get the shock yourself"

Her eyes widened as she read the sender's name. "Sirius and Remus wrote to you" she whispered in disbelief.

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