Chapter 1

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The queen of hosie family fics is back again with another one 😭

The first chapter is going to be a little slow but it gets better I promise

anyways I hope you enjoy this one! make sure to follow

Josie tossed and turned in her bed feeling a presence by her, when she opened her eyes she saw her twin hovering above her.

"Ah!" Josie said rolling off her bed and falling on the floor.

Josie sat up and gave her sister a pout "what the hell Lizzie."

"Get up we are going to a party," Lizzie says walking over to the closet and looking through it.

"What? no- I have a test tomorrow and I won't be able to focus if I sleep late" Josie said standing up.

"Josie we are teenagers we are in the prime of our lives we have to live a little so get up and get dressed," Lizzie said tossing her sister a red dress.

Josie looked down at the dress before looking up at her sister who was giving her a stern look.

"Ugh fine" Josie pouted before going to the bathroom.

When Josie was done changing she walked out to see Lizzie on her phone.

"I want to sleep" Josie whined.

"You'll thank me later let's go" Lizzie smiled and linked her arm with Josie's before leading let out of the school.

"Who's hosting tonight's party?" Josie asked as they got closer to the music.

"Jed and a couple of the other wolves," Lizzie said as they stepped over a tree branch.

When they got to the party Lizzie immediately separated from her and went over to her boyfriend MG.

"Wow thanks, Lizzie" Josie mumbled and walked over to the drink table and poured herself some liquor.

"Didn't take you for a drinker" Josie heard a voice say and she turned to see Hope holding a red solo cup.

"And I didn't take you for a partier" Josie cocked an eyebrow.

"Touché" Hope laughed.

"Lizzie dragged me here and I just thought I'm already here might as well drink" Josie shrugged and brought the cup to her mouth downing the drink in one sip.

"Do you want to leave?" Hope tilted her head.

"Well- I don't think Lizzie would want me to "

"Lizzie!" Hope called out and the blonde turned towards her "I'm taking your sister okay!"

Lizzie gave her a thumbs up before turning back to her boyfriend.

"And there we go," Hope said grabbing two bottles of whatever she could find and two empty solo cups.

She and Hope ended up going back to the auburn-haired girl's room.

"This is the much better party if you ask me" Hope shrugged and sat on the carpet setting down both cups.

"Oh yeah definitely" Josie laughed before joining her.

Hope then filled both of their cups to the brim "drink up" she said picking up her drink and clinking it with Josie's before taking a big gulp.

Josie shook her head after she took a sip "that's strong what the hell is that" she coughed.

"It is-" Hope picked up the bottle "Vodka-"

"Oh gross you picked the nastiest one" Josie complained.

"Well to be fair I wasn't looking when I grabbed the bottles and it's our friend's fault" she shrugged "I mean who the hell brings vodka to a party."

"Oh well I'm still going to drink it," Josie said before plugging her nose and chugging the rest of her drink.

Hope took another sip of her drink "so why were you at the party? I remember you telling me something about having a test or something."

"Lizzie said that I'm in the prime of my life! And that I should live a little so-" Josie poured herself some more vodka and held up her cup "-here I am" she smiled.

"You don't always have to listen to her you know, you are your own person," Hope said downing the rest of her drink.

"I know, but she was right sorta... I've just been so stressed worrying about tests and college I needed this."

"Just wanted to make sure" Hope smiled.

"Wow it's almost like you care about me Hope Mikaelson" Josie teased.

"Well if I don't who we," Hope said bumping her shoulder with Josie's.

When Josie woke up she noticed both empty vodka bottles on the nightstand.

The brunette let out a groan before she turned in the bed she was laying in only to be met with Hope's naked back.

Josie didn't think anything of it at first and then her eyes widened.

The brunette lifted the covers noticing she wasn't wearing anything.

"Oh my god," Josie said covering her face.

The brunette removed her hands from her face and slowly crawled out of bed and grabbed her pants and shirt, slipping them back on.

Josie spared one last glance at Hope before slipping out of the girl's room.

'You did not just sleep with one of your best friends' Josie thought to herself as she walked down the hall.

Josie let out another groan before she opened her room door and walked in seeing her twin at her vanity doing her makeup.

"Oh look who finally decided to grace me with her presence," Lizzie said.

"Sorry I fell asleep at Hope's-" she said awkwardly before grabbing a towel and making her way to her bathroom.

"Well next time a text would be nice" Lizzie called out as Josie closes the bathroom door.

Josie let out a sigh before she looked in the mirror at her appearance, her eyes widened comically when she saw two huge hickeys on the side of her neck.

"God dammit Hope" Josie said pressing down on the bruises, luckily Lizzie didn't see them she would have questioned Josie, and she honestly didn't feel like dealing with her sister.

Josie just shook her head before getting in the shower, she would just do a glamor spell when she got out right now she felt disgusting.

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