Chapter 7

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Last chapter for today i've spoiled you all a lot
today 💀

When Josie woke up she had a huge headache that just made her want to stay in her bed all day and not do anything.

But Josie didn't have that luxury right now
she had to get up and take care of herself she was growing a little human.

Josie sighed before pulling the cover off her body and walking into the bathroom.

She immediately stopped when she looked in the mirror, the girl's eyes widened at what she saw.

"Mom!!" Josie yelled as she lifted her shirt and looked at herself in the mirror.

The blonde vampire immediately vamped to Josie still wearing her sleep mask.

"What happened!" the blonde said holding up a metal bat.

"Mom my stomach is huge! I literally look eight months pregnant!" Josie said poking her stomach.

Caroline finally looked at what Josie was talking about and gasped "oh my god- honey- are you sure you didn't eat something? you are probably having an allergic reaction" she said putting her hands-on Josie's stomach.

"Mom I've been eating everything I normally would" she sighed.

"The baby is probably growing fast from Hope's tribrid genes as we thought."

"Yeah... You're right..."

Caroline let out a yawn "I'm going to go make you some breakfast."

"Okay," Josie said as she rubbed her belly.

It was one in the morning at the Salvatore school and Lizzie found herself sitting in the student lounge pressing the call button on Josie's contact.

They haven't talked that much since Josie had been gone a few texts here and there but she missed hearing her sister's voice.

Lizzie put on bee headphones as Josie answered her facetime.

"Hey" Lizzie smiled when her twin's face popped up on the screen.

"Hi," Josie said over a mouthful of food.

"Ew what don't talk with your mouth full" Lizzie hissed.

"Hey you called me when I was in the middle of eating," Josie said wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"What is my niece or nephew eating today," Lizzie said leaning her head on her hand.

"Mom is making me eat meat so bacon and eggs," Josie said.

"Let me see the bump," Lizzie said.

Josie then holds out the phone showing her huge stomach.

"Oh my god, you look like you are about to pop."

"I probably will the baby has been growing like extra fast compared to a normal pregnancy."

"I need to come up there and see you then."

"Are you sure you want to?"

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