Chapter 24

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Uploading today's chapter earlier today because i have a doctors appointment so enjoy peeps :)

Josie was sitting on the carpet in the living room with brooks who was having tummy time when she saw Hope walking towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" the witch questioned.

"I didn't know I had to answer to you now?"

The brunette visibly deflated "you don't i- just- forget it" she shook her head.

"I'm sorry-" she said realizing how angry her tone was "I'm just going to get more diapers I noticed we only had one pack left and that kid goes through them faster than I can blink my eyes."

The girl just silently nodded.

Hope stood there for a moment wanting to say something but she decided against it, she grabbed her keys and made her way out of the house.

"She's so mad at me" she sighed and laid on her side "I hate when she's mad I wish I could fix it."

Brooks then looked up at her and lifted his tiny arm and grabbed her hair in a firm grip and pulled her down.

"Yes thank you, baby, that made mommy feel so much better," she said removing his hand that he had tangled in her hair.

As Hope walked down the diaper isle
for the brand they usually got for Brooks she heard footsteps, assuming that it was just another customer she kept looking until she found the pampers.

"There you are," she said grabbing three boxes.


She froze when she heard Maya's voice, the auburn slowly turned around to see the wolf, just behind the girl was Jed who was leaning against the cart that she assumed they were both using.


"What are you doing in the diaper isle?" she asked confused.

"Uh- well... I..." she said as she fumbled with the box of diapers in her hands.

"Hope's Aunt is in town and she has a son, she was probably just buying diapers for her isn't that right?" Jed raised his eyebrow.

"Right! yes I have a little cousin named Nik these-" she held the diapers up "are for him
because he ran out."

"Oh okay... well- before I let you go why haven't you been answering my calls or texts?" she frowned.

Jed looked between the two before slowly backing up "yeah I'm going to give you two a minute."

Once he was gone Hope turned her gaze back to Maya who was staring at her with her arms crossed to her chest.

"About that... can we Maybe have dinner tomorrow night? there are some things I have to tell you."

"Yeah of course" she nodded.

"Great... I'll pick you up at 5."

"I'll be waiting," she said before walking in the direction Jed left in.

She left out a deep sigh before making her way to pay.

When she walked into the mansion she immediately heard music, when she searched for where the sound was coming from she found Josie in the kitchen dancing with Brooks.

It was a soft slow song so Brooks had his head on the brunette's chest as she swayed to the music with him.

"Do you mind if I cut in Brooks?" Hope smirked as she leaned against the archway.

The witch turned her head slightly to see Hope standing there, she gave her a small smile before continuing her little dance.

"I'm serious bub I want a dance with her" the auburn smiled before gently taking brooks from Josie and laying the baby in his bassinet that was in the kitchen.

"Wow interrupting mother and son time how rude of you."

"Well, I want mom and mom time plus... I just wanted to apologize," she said before resting her hands on the girl's waist.

"For what?" she asked curiously as she put her arms around the nape of the girl's neck.

"I've been hard on you about the whole Jed thing... I know you wouldn't have told him if you didn't trust him... you would never put our son in danger."

"Hope you don't have to be sorry about that you had a right to be mad," Josie said as they swayed to the slow music.

"I do, I was only mad because I was letting my feelings get in the way..."


"I was jealous," she said in almost a whisper.

"Jealous of Jed? who would you be-"

"I like you, Josie."


"And just seeing you spend so much time with him and seeing his obvious feelings for you just made me hate him and in the process, I took my hatred for him out on you which you didn't deserve Jo."

The witch just stayed silent as her head rested on Hope's shoulder.

"But I do... I like you I don't know how long it's been but j can't get you out of my head ever... you're the only person I ever want to be around... who I want to kiss."

"What about Maya?" Josie whispered.

"Tomorrow... I'm telling her I have feelings for someone else and that it wouldn't be fair to lead her on by going on more dates... that would only break her heart..."


"You don't have to say anything about my..." she trailed off "but... just know I like you... and I'll wait for you no matter how long that takes Josie because I want you."

Josie closed her eyes as she took in all the information Hope had just told her.

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