Chapter 22

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Little note but there's a 3 month time jump! so brooks is about 4 months now! (ik that's a big time jump)

Life had started to feel normal for Josie
for the first time since she had her son, she finally felt like she could be a normal teenage girl. There weren't any constant attacks, life was quiet.

And with this, she felt like she could calm down, not be on constant guard all the time like she had been.

The only stressful thing going on in her life right now is her relationship with hope. Things have been quite awkward since that night, but they of course talked every day regularly but Josie could still sense some tension there.

And she knew it was only going to get worse with Hope coming back to the mansion full time for summer vacation

"Open your mouth baby," Josie said as she attempted to open brooks mouth who kept turning his head away from her.

"Open your-" her words died in her mouth realizing she was talking to a four-month-old.

"Jo?" she heard Hope call out.

"In here!" the brunette said as she attempted to open her son's mouth.

"What are you doing to my child," the tribrid said as she set down her suitcase.

"I think he has a tooth coming in but I can't get him to open his mouth" she sighed, getting frustrated.

"Tooth?? what he's too young" she said climbing onto the bed and laying by brooks who rolled over to look at her.

"Hi buddy" she smiled down at him before attacking his neck with kisses causing him to shriek.

When Hope pulled away from brooks Josie gently held his head in place.

"Open his mouth," she said.

"Maybe he doesn't want you to see his tooth you ever think of that?" the auburn rolled her eyes.


"Kidding kidding," she said before gently opening the baby's mouth revealing a small part of a tooth that was coming in.

"Oh my baby is growing too fast" the witch pouted before wrapping her arm around brooks and laying her head by his.

"He's going to be walking before we know it," Hope said as a joke but Josie didn't find it funny at all.

"God I was kidding," she said raising her hands in surrender when she saw the glare on the brunette's face

Just as the brunette was about to punch Hope's shoulder she got a text on her phone. When she picked it up she saw it was a text from Jed saying he was outside waiting for her.

"Jed's here," she said placing one last kiss on the baby's cheek before standing up.

"Great" the tribrid mumbled.

"I shouldn't be gone more than three hours, I set two bottles in the fridge all you need to do is warm them up for ten seconds and if he gets fussy it's most likely because he's teething," she said before opening a drawer by her bed "he has teething rings in here if he needs them."

"Josie I know how to take care of my son" she chuckled.

"Right- yeah I know I'm just letting you know."

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