Chapter 48

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In the darkness, Hope saw flashes of her life, moments from her childhood, the moment she saw Brooks for the first time, when she asked Josie to marry her, and before she knew it she gasped awake.

She looked around in a panic, everything was so bright and her ears were ringing. The girl's vision was very blurry and she felt as if she could faint at any moment.

"Hope" she heard a voice and looked up to see Lizzie holding a blood bag.

The auburn grunted and buried her face in her hands.

"You came back a lot faster than I thought you would you were only dead about an hour," the blonde said looking at her watch to make sure she counted correctly.

"You're so loud," the auburn said before she slowly moved one foot off the bed followed by the other.

"I don't think that's a good idea from what I've heard everything is heightened for you right now, you might want to sit down for a few."

"We don't have a few!" Hope growled before pulling herself out of bed, almost falling over from dizziness in the process.

"Why are you always so stubborn" Lizzie rolled her eyes.

The tribrid just glared at her.

"Fine," she said before tossing Hope the blood bag "bon appétit."

The auburn looked at it hesitantly before taking the cap off the blood bag and bringing it to her mouth.

Hope closed her eyes as she sucked every last drop of the blood from the blood bag.

"Wow is o negative that good?"

When the auburn opened her eyes Lizzie saw the girl's eyes change from bright yellow to red.

"You good?" she said slowly "you aren't going to ripper out on me are you?"

"I'm fine, did you get the malivore goo?" she asked.

"Yep" she emphasized the p "we injected it into my dad and Maya... all you have to do is put your blood into the pit and everything that has any trace of malivore on their body will disappear," the blonde said.

Hope nodded "let's finish this," she said with a determined look before walking out.

Back at the Mikaelson mansion Josie sat at the table and stared down at her mug that was filled with herbal tea.

The brunette was worried about her fiancé and just wanted to be with her but she knew it wasn't safe and she was here for a reason but it doesn't stop her from worrying.

"Hey" Hayley smiled as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself some tea.

"Hey," Josie said giving her a small smile.

"Where's Brooks?"

"I just put him down for a nap," the brunette said leaning against her palms

"Everything okay?" she eyed the girl.

"Honestly no not really" she let out a small humorless chuckle.

"You can talk to me if you want, I'm here."

"It's just..." she started and Hayley sat across from her.

"Hope is activating her vampire side... and I don't know... I'm just really worried. it probably sounds dumb but I am."

Hayley sat there for a moment processing the information before turning to her future daughter-in-law "no it's not stupid it just means you care which I'm thankful for."

"She's one of the most important people in my life and i- what the hell" the brunette's eyebrows furrowed when she saw the outside illuminated in red.

"What?" Hayley said before turning her head.

Both of the girls shared a look before they got up from their seats and went outside.

When they stepped outside they looked around and noticed most of the locals were coming out of shops and their houses to look up at the sky.

"Holy shit," Josie said looking up.

The sky and clouds were a dark red, along with red lighting flashing.

"Do you think this has anything to do with Hope?" Josie asked.

"Seeing as my daughter is the most powerful being in the world I wouldn't doubt it" she whispered so no one nearby would hear her.

Suddenly all the red went away and the sky was bright and blue again.

"That was weird..." the pregnant woman said.

"What in the bloody hell was that," Klaus said suddenly walking up to the two girls.

"We have a theory," Hayley said slowly.

"Let's get inside, I'll call Lizzie," Josie said and they all entered the compound.

"Are you ready?" Lizzie asked as they both stood over the hope that was filled with bubbling black goo.

"More than ready," Hope said.

Lizzie held out a knife to the girl who immediately took it and clutched it in her hands and looked at her.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, I'm just glad all of this is going to be over," Hope said before running the knife along her palm making a large cut.

When she saw the blood she immediately took a deep breath and squeezed her hands together and held it over the portal letting her blood drip into it.

Suddenly they were both thrown back as they saw the pit go up into flames.

When they looked up nothing was left except a hole in the ground.

"That was underwhelming I thought it would be cooler," Lizzie said.

The blonde felt her phone start to vibrate and when she picked it up it was MG, she immediately answered.

"It worked!! they're gone!" MG yelled.

Lizzie looked at Hope and gave her a nod.

time for life to get back to normal 😈

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