Chapter 2

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G!P smut featured in this chapter
if that isn't your thing don't read :)

It took Josie a few days to remember what happened that night but when she did she was a mess, the brunette remembered...liking it?

Which was a bad thing because she and Hope were friends! and things were already awkward between them neither of them wanting to bring it up.

Instead, choosing to ignore it and ignore each other.

And Josie thought she could handle the silent treatment that was until they got into their potions class and the girl had made it a point to move her chair away from Josie.

I mean how dare she? Was she that disgusted by Josie that she didn't even want to sit by her for a short period.

She then saw Hope scoot her chair away a little farther and she had enough, Josie stood up and looked at Hope.

"Come with me," Josie said grabbing Hope by the collar of her shirt and dragging her out of the room ignoring her teacher who was calling them back into the room.

"Where are you taking me," Hope says as she's being dragged along.

Josie just stayed silent until she got to the girl's bathroom where she pushed Hope inside and locked the door.

"Why are you ignoring me" Josie crossed her arms.

Hope looked down at her hands "you know why."

"Hope. We are friends, best friends! you could have talked to me I hate you ignoring me it makes me feel like you hate me."

Hope's gaze snapped to hers "what? I could never hate you" she said stepping closer to Josie.

"These past few days you have been making me feel like it" Josie shrugged and looked down.

"I don't hate you I'm staying away because- never mind" Hope shakes her head.

"Tell me please," Josie said taking Hope's hand and standing close enough that she was slightly pressed up against Hope.

Suddenly Josie felt something hard pressing him against her.

Josie's eyebrows furrowed and she looked down.


Hope then looked down "shit" she said
letting go of Josie's hand and turning away from her.


"Please just go" Hope breathed in and out trying to calm down.

"Hope it's okay-"

"No, it's not you're my friend I shouldn't be feeling like this."

"Hope," Josie said turning Hope around so she was facing her.

"It's okay," Josie said as she started to unbutton Hope's pants.

Hope leaned back against the sinks as she watched Josie unbutton her pants and pull them down slightly.

"Who says I haven't been feeling the same way" Josie whispers in Hope's ear as she pulls out the girl's length.

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