Chapter 34

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Both Hope and Josie were off of school today so they decided they were going to show Jed around since it's his first time in New Orleans.

"Okay you definitely have to try the beignets from this local restaurant down the road, Hope made me try them when we first moved here, and now I'm in love."

"I want benyet!" Brooks said from his place in Hope's arms.

"Sure I'm down" Jed shrugged as they walked down the street.

They all entered the restaurant they went to a booth located in the back, and Hope set Brooks down in the middle of them, he immediately started banging on the table.

"No banging" Josie said gently taking his hands off the table.

The toddler immediately tried doing it again and whined in protest when his mom tried to stop him.

"Brooks stop right now," Hope said firmly.

The boy immediately began to kick the table aggressively causing it to shake.

Josie and Hope both shared a look before the brunette grabbed one of the kid's activity pages with a small pack of crayons and handed it to him.

"Here draw love," she said.

"Is he always like that?" Jed asked in a nonjudgmental way.

"He's usually really good... I think he's just having an off day" Josie said rubbing the back of the boy's head.

They all looked down at Brooks who was aggressive drawing a figure with a black crayon.

"Are you ready to order?" a waitress said suddenly coming up to them.

"Yeah we are, we'd like a batch of beignets and I'll also have the pork belly burger with hand-cut fries and a Pepsi" she then turned to Jed who asked for the same thing.

"I'll take the tofu noodle soup with water please" she looked down at her toddler who was still drawing "what do you want baby?" she asked only to be ignored.

"Just get him an apple juice with chicken tenders and mac and cheese, please," the brunette said kindly.

The waiter smiled and nodded "coming right up your drinks will be out shortly" she said before walking away.

"Momma I play on phone" Brooks suddenly asked and looked up at Hope.

"Yeah baby," she said taking out her phone and handing it to the small boy who immediately clicked on one of his mom's games she downloaded for him.

"Hope I know I said he's having a bad day but I'm starting to get worried..."

"Babe he's fine..."

"He siphoned from me this morning when I was helping him brush his teeth" she held up her arm showing a bruise.

"What?? why didn't you tell me" the auburn said gently taking the girl's arm to get a closer look.

"I didn't think it was a big deal until he started acting differently."

"Maybe something is going on with him you should try therapy or something" Jed added.

"He's 3 he doesn't need therapy" the auburn rolled her eyes.

"I don't know Hope maybe..." Josie started.

"He's probably upset about a toy being broken or something let's not jump to conclusions-"

"Here you are," the waitress said setting down each of their meals in front of them "if you need me just wave me over," she said before walking away.

"Let's just eat," Jed said.

The brunette nodded before she cut up Brook's chicken tenders and put some ketchup on the side of his plate.

"Here love," she said handing him a fork.

"Tanks mommy," the boy said before shoving the chicken into his mouth.

When they arrived back home they noticed Brooks had practically passed out from exhaustion.

"Aw he fell asleep," the brunette said.

"I've got him," Hope said getting out of the car and making her way to the back, she unbuckled him from his car seat and gently took him out.

Josie opened the front door so Hope could walk in with a sleeping Brooks.

Once they were all inside Jed went to the couch and laid down face first immediately drifting off.

"I told you shopping with you was tiring" the tribrid smirked.

The brunette quietly gasped "shopping with me is fun!"

"Tell that to Jed and Brooks," she said as they walked into the toddler's room.

"Whatever," she said rolling her eyes and grabbing the boy's toy story pajamas as the auburn took off his outside clothes.

"Oh my god," the auburn said immediately catching Josie's attention.

"What's wrong?"

"He has a rash all over his body," she said turning on the light "did you not see this, this morning??"

"Oh my god..." she said seeing the red all over their son's body.

"He was fine earlier I didn't see anything wrong."

Hope then looked up at the necklace their son was wearing and lifted it noticing it left an outline on the boy's skin.

"Where did you get this thing this is probably giving him the rash."

"I thought you put that on him," Josie said grabbing it only to immediately let it go and wince.

"What's wrong??"

Her eyes widened before she looked at her girlfriend "that thing is filled with dark magic..."

Hope immediately took it off and set it on the dresser "I think we need to call Freya."

Imagine if i only updated this fic once a week 🤭

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