Chapter 10

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When Josie's eyes slowly blinked open she heard loud yelling coming from the living room, she slowly sat up rubbing her head.

"I am so disappointed in you!"

"I get it mom no need for a lecture" she heard Lizzie say.

"No! you are going to get one so you listen, do you realize the danger you put your sister in?? you know people are after her and the baby and you still took her out in a crowded public area??"

"You can't just keep her locked away."

"Do you think I was to keep her hauled up on this house? no! but it's for her protection, at least for now I mean look what happened she passed out in a parking lot when she could've been here in her bed."

Getting tired of the yelling Josie slowly stood up, holding onto the bedside table for support.

She made her way over to the door where she saw Lizzie sitting on the couch while their mother stood in front of her still yelling.

"I-it's not Lizzie's fault I wanted to go out" Josie managed to get out with the little energy she had, the brunette clutched onto the archway for dear life hoping she wouldn't fall.

Suddenly Lizzie and Caroline both looked in her direction.

"What are you doing out of bed!" Caroline scolded before making her way over to Josie and helping her back into the bed.

"I didn't want to hear you yell anymore," Josie said as Caroline covered her back up.

Caroline sighed before sitting on the bed "so you remember what happened?"

Lizzie stood in the doorway and looked at them.

"My baby was siphoning from me," Josie said.

Caroline nodded "the baby did, I had a similar experience when j was pregnant with you and Lizzie... you both were siphoning me to death."

Josie looked up at her mom "so what does this mean."

"That we need to find a way to give you energy so your baby doesn't siphon you to death..." Caroline said tucking a piece of Josie's hair behind her ear.

Josie stayed quiet just staring at the ceiling.

"Josie?" Lizzie said.

"I've got to call Freya, " Josie said looking at them.

Both blondes stared at Josie in shock.

"Really? I thought you didn't want to tell anyone let alone your baby's great aunt" Lizzie said.

"I'm not going to tell her I'm just going to discretely ask if there's a way to give me more magic."

Caroline handed Josie her phone "we'll step out so you can do it."

Josie nodded and took a deep breath before dialing Freya's number.

"Josie?" the blonde said through the phone.

"Yeah it's me-"

"Did something happen? is Hope alright?"
she asks suddenly concerned.

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