Chapter 30

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Tw// slut shaming

shorter chapter than usual (around 700 words i usually do 1k) but it's a good one anyways so enjoy!  :)

When Maya walked into her room and took the sleeping baby out of her coat she laid him on her bed as she went to call someone.

She walked out of the room and down the hall, making her way by the pool area so no one would hear her.


Jed made his way towards Maya's and knocked on the girl's door "Maya? you in?" he said before opening the door and peeking his head in.

"We have that paper due in our history of wolves tomorrow and I wanted to know if you had your half-it done," he said scanning the room not seeing anyone.

As he was about to close the door he heard a small whine followed by movement on the girl's bed.

"Maya?" he said slowly entering the room and walking towards the bed.

When he lifted the blanket he saw a baby laying on the bed, not just any baby, Brooks.

"What are you doing in here buddy did Hope bring you?" he gently picked up the fussy baby.

"What the hell are you doing in here" he heard a voice and turned around to see Maya standing in the doorway.

"I was coming in here to ask about an assignment why do you have Brooks?" he questioned and held him to his chest.

"That's none of your business give me him" she held out her hands.

"No, not until you tell me why you have him they don't trust anyone with him."

"You can say Josie and Hope I know already" she rolled her eyes.

"Hope and Josie don't trust anyone with him so why do you have their son."

"It's none of your business now hand me the baby!" she said flashing her wolf eyes.

He laid the baby on the bed before turning back to the girl, his eyes were yellow, and his claws were out.

"You better back away before I do something I'm going to regret" he warned.

"This has nothing to do with you just leave."

"What? are you planning on doing something to him? he's a fucking baby who doesn't know any better."

Maya shot him an angry glare before running at him, she slammed the boy into the wall hard causing his vision to blur a bit.

"Fuck you!" she said.

Jed growled at her before throwing her off of him causing the girl to slide out into the hall, he immediately regained his balance and stood over the girl who was looking up at him.

"What were you planning to do Maya huh?" he said grabbing her throat.

When she didn't answer he squeezed her throat harder.

"I was going to kill him then I was going to kill his slut of a mother" she spat.


She just grinned manically in response.

"Yeah well, I'm not going to let you kill my best friend or her son," he said before shoving his hand through her chest.

People were already starting to exit their dorms to watch the interaction in the hallway.

As he pulled the girl's heart out he heard footsteps running toward him and turned to see Hope and Josie.

"Jed no!" Hope yelled as she saw the heart in his hands.

The auburn's eyes widened and she quickly turned to Josie who was just looking from Jed to a dead Maya.

"You're not dead??" Hope said as she quickly cupped the girl's face in her hands.

"N-No I'm okay I'm here."

"She was bluffing..." she quickly pulled the girl to her chest and wrapped her arms around her "she was bluffing" she whispered.

"I'm okay..." Josie said rubbing Hope's back.

As they held each other they heard a familiar cry a few feet away, they both pulled away and looked at each other before running into the room and finding their son laying on the bed.

"Brooks" Josie breathed out before quickly scooping up the baby in her arms and holding him close.

"He's okay..." the brunette whispered as Hope came up behind her and placed a kiss on Brook's temple.

"What the hell is going on here??"

Josie froze when she heard her father's voice, she looked up to see him staring at her from the doorway.


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