Chapter 17

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Josie is woken up by the sound of rain hitting the window of Hope's room.

When she checks the clock she noticed it's ten and her eyes widen "shit" she says throwing the covers off of herself.

"I already took care of him," Hope said walking into the room.

"Why didn't you wake me up" Josie rubs her eyes.

"You looked like you could use the sleep" she shrugged in response.

"Were's brooks? and what happened at the warehouse last night."

"Brooks is in the kitchen with Freya she's making brunch, and we can talk about the warehouse when we eat," she said simply.

The brunette just nods in response "well I'm going to see my baby" she said getting out of bed and making her way to the kitchen.

When she entered the kitchen she saw brooks laying in a bouncer that was on the center island he was staring up curiously at the colorful lions and frogs that hung above him.

"There's my favorite boy," Josie said kissing his cheek.

"My very stinky boy," the brunette said unbuckling brooks and taking him out of the bouncer.

"Brunch is almost done," Freya said turning to Josie "I trust Hope told you we'd talk then?"

Josie nodded "she did."

The brunette then went into Hope's room and gently laid brooks on the bed and grabbed a diaper and wipes.

When she began changing him her face scrunched up in disgust "what did I feed you."

He just stared up at her.

"We're ready," Hope said coming into the room and immediately regretting it.

"What's that smell" Hope said.

"Your son," Josie said picking up brooks and handing him to Hope as she threw away the diaper.

They then made their way downstairs
where they saw pretty much everyone already seated at the dining table.

"So what happened," Josie said sitting down, grabbing a plate, and looking up at them.

"Well, when we arrived Hope confronted the guy... he said some things I'd rather not repeat," Freya said and Josie just nodded.

"He told us that there were many more people working with your dad, they all seem to want brooks dead," Hope said as she patted Brooks's back making him slowly fall asleep on her shoulder.

"God I want to kill Alaric so bad," Josie said pinching the bridge of her nose.

"But you won't," Lizzie said as she walked into the kitchen.

"He's a bad person Lizzie I don't know why you keep fighting me on this."

"Maybe... we can change him- make him see the bigger picture and show him the baby isn't dangerous," Lizzie said.

"He doesn't exactly like the mikaelson's he never has and I doubt he would listen at all... plus he has told god knows how many people that the tribrid had a baby so even if he did change he screwed us," Josie said.

Lizzie just remained quiet.

"If our son gets attacked one more time I can't promise you Alaric will live any longer" Hope said with a shrug.

"Hope!" Lizzie hissed.

"What? it's true."

"Whatever I'm going back to the hotel" Lizzie rolled her eyes and walked out of the house.

filler sorry 🤞🙁🤧

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