Chapter 20

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When Hope entered the bathroom she leaned against the sinks as she waited for Josie to come in. Seconds later the auburn saw the girl push the stroller into the bathroom before closing and locking the door.

"What are you doing here," she asked.

"I'm not Rapunzel I didn't want to stay locked in your family's house forever I came out to get some fresh air" she sighed.

"I just didn't expect you to come out so soon... especially with people roaming the streets looking for you, though you'd let it die down a bit."

"Yeah well as long as he's alive-" Josie gestured to their son "he won't stop, there's no reason to keep him cooped up in the big house either."

"You're right..." she says before looking at her son who was staring up at them with wide curious eyes.

She smiled before unbuckling brooks and picking him up, holding him to her chest, Josie watched the sight with a small smile on her face.

"God I missed him," Hope said closing her eyes and inhaling the baby smell.

"He missed you too" she smiled softly and the tribrid opened her eyes and looked at her "he's been really fussy without you around."

"Don't worry little witch I'll be home for the weekend" she whispered in his ear.

"Are you sure that isn't suspicious? you never leave school on the weekends" she raised an eyebrow.

"Your father knows my aunts are in town I told him I was going to start spending time with them on weekends he didn't suspect anything."

Josie nodded and they both fell into silence as Hope made faces at brooks making him let out small smiles.

"So why are you here with Maya..." she crossed her arms "not that you need to tell me!" the girl added.

Hope's mouth opened and closed a few times before she answered "uh- I'm actually on a date with... her- Maya..."


"It's just a date for now!" Hope quickly said.

"It's okay Hope... it's your life you don't owe me anything" she smiled sadly.


"Hope? are you okay you have been in there a while?" they heard Maya ask from outside the door.

"Shit" Hope muttered.

"Yeah! I'm good I'll be out in a second" she called out.

"Okay just wanted to make sure," Maya said sweetly before walking away.

"Goodbye little witch," the auburn said to her son before kissing his head and handing him back to his mother.

Hope gave Josie a small smile before she walked out of the bathroom.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in and looked down at Brooks who started to cry in her arms.

"I know I don't want her going out with Maya either... but that my love is being selfish your mom is a grown woman... plus you're all I need" she smiled at him.

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