Chapter 14

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Hope just stared at the brunette in disbelief, how could she hide something this big from her?

Did Hope's feelings not matter to the brunette? did she not think this would hurt the auburn deep down?

"I don't get it why does that child have a crescent birthmark that's not possible," Freya said.

"It's possible..." Hope said swallowing thickly "isn't it Josie?"

The brunette just looked down at the baby in her arms refusing to make eye contact with the auburn.

"I'm still not following," Rebekah said looking between them.

Freya gasped suddenly coming to the realization "oh Hope you didn't."

"Let's go to my room Josie," Hope said walking out of the dining room not even sparing her another glance.

As Josie followed Hope she heard Freya talking to the rest of the mikaelson and then a loud gasp was heard from Rebekah.

When she entered the room Josie saw Hope looking out her window with her arms crossed.

"How long have you been hiding this," she said as the brunette closed the door.

"Since I left."

"That was months ago" she finally looked at the brunette.

"You don't think I know that Hope??" Josie said a little louder than she should've, her son started making small crying noises at the raise in her tone.

"It's okay my love," she said putting the pacifier back in his mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me about..." Hope says staring at her son.

"Alaric sent people after us... and I was scared? so I hid... and I didn't tell anyone I didn't want to risk anyone finding us."

"That is no excuse, Josie" her eyes snapped up to the brunette "I could've helped you... I could've helped the both of you but you didn't give me that option, now did you?"

"Can we not do this today Hope we can fight any other day but right now we just need to keep him safe."

Hope slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath "fine" she said.

When Hope opened her eyes her gaze went back to the baby, he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen she couldn't stop staring at him.

"Do you want to hold him?" Josie asked.

"Can I?" Hope said.

"He's your son, Hope, of course, you can," Josie said getting closer and slowly handing the baby to Hope, he made a small noise in protest but eventually calmed down when he was in his mother's arms.

Hope looked down at the baby and smiled, he looked just like she did when she was a baby there was no denying this was her kid.

"What's his name?" the auburn asked.

"He doesn't have a name yet I was hoping we could come up with one together..."

Hope nodded while she slowly swayed her son.

After setting up a spot for the baby to sleep Hope, and Josie slowly slipped out of the room to not wake him up.

"Are you going to explain what the hell is happening?" Kol said as soon as they walked out of the room.

"I'll leave that up to you it's the least you can do," Hope said rolling her eyes.

When Hope sat on the couch Josie looked around at all the mikaelson who were looking at her for answers.

Josie cleared her throat "the baby is Hope's if that's what any of you were wondering."

"Hope I told you to use protection always!" Freya said slapping Hope on the forehead.

"Woah who says it was my fault," Hope says offended.

Both mikaelson women gave her a look.

"Yeah okay," Hope sighed.

"I found out about two months ago that I was pregnant with him."

"How is that possible? you weren't pregnant when we picked Hope up during winter break" Rebekah said.

"I wasn't pregnant then... I had some magical tribrid pregnancy? one week I was only a couple weeks pregnant then the next I was six months everything went so fast."

"Which is why you left school near the end of the semester?" Hope asked.

"When I told my father I was pregnant he sent me away to live with my mom... he wanted me to get rid of him but I didn't... I couldn't."

Hope's eyes flashed gold suddenly feeling very protective.

"And Lizzie overhead a conversation my dad was having... he was sending people after me and our son if I didn't get rid of him... he didn't want a mikaelson to affect his bloodline or whatever" Josie sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm going to kill him," Hope said.

"You aren't going to do anything," Freya's said before looking to Josie "does he know the baby is alive?"

Josie shakes her head "not that I know, no"

"You going after him is only going to tell him that the baby is alive, you will be risking his life."

Hope looked down.

"I think it's best Josie and the baby stay in New Orleans you both will be under the protection of the Mikaelson's if anyone tries to harm you they will have to deal with us."

Josie nodded.

Suddenly they heard a loud cry coming from Hope's room followed by the sound of glass breaking.

Hope and Josie both looked at each other before running into the room, they saw someone dressed in all black standing over their son.

"Get away from him!" Hope said pushing the person out of the window.

Josie immediately grabbed their crying son noticing a cut on his cheek.

All the mikaelson's ran into the room.

"Is he alright?" Rebekah said.

"I think so..." Josie said and held him close to her chest.

Hope looked out the broken window seeing that the person had run away.


"All this for an innocent baby," the brunette said in disbelief

"No one has ever liked my family... this doesn't surprise me one bit... but Josie I promise I won't let that happen again" Hope said.

Hope could be mad later right now she just wanted to keep their son safe.

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