Chapter 33

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When Hope finished her classes she immediately went to the daycare to pick up their son.

When she walked in she saw Brooks playing dolls with a little girl they were both laughing, when the toddler turned his head and finally noticed her presence he abandoned the doll on the ground and ran into her arms.

"I misted you momma!" he said excitedly and wrapped his arms around her neck.

Hope didn't notice the necklace on the boys neck she was just happy to see her son.

"I missed you too baby boy," she said closing her eyes and smiling in the boy's embrace.


"Yes baby we are going home now," she said turning over to the sign-out sheet and signing her so out.

"Bye Ms. Mikaelson" Crystal said handing her Brooks backpack.

Hope waved her goodbye before walking out to the car and throwing the backpack into the back seat, she set the toddler in his car seat before buckling him up. 

"I hungy" he pouted and kicked Hope's seat.

"I'll get you a snack when we get home then we can surprise your mom with a nice dinner how does that sound?"


She smiled at her son before starting the car and pulling out.

Brooks sat on the counter with his barbie doll as he watched Hope stir the pasta into the sauce.

"Look, good momma," he said looking at the pasta.

"Let's see if it's good," she said taking out a piece and cutting it in half, putting the small bit of pasta in the toddler's mouth.

"Nummy!" he clapped his hands.

"Thought so" she smiled before picking him up and setting him on the ground.

"Go put all your toys away your mom should be home soon" Hope instructed and the toddler immediately ran into his room.

As soon as she saw the boy leave the kitchen she pulled out a small black box from her pocket.

She had been thinking about this for a while now and she was finally going to do it tonight, just her, Brooks, and Josie it just seemed like the right moment to do it.

It was just going to be the three of them in this special moment, and god was Hope nervous. Josie was the most special girl she had ever met and all she wanted was to spend the rest of her life with her, but a part of her was scared the brunette would say no.

Hope was knocked out of her thoughts when she heard the front door opening, her eyes widened and she quickly hid the ring as Josie stepped in with something, or should she say, someone.

"We're home."

"We're?" the wolf raised an eyebrow.

Josie stepped aside revealing Jed who had a smile on his face, he waved at Hope.

"Jed flew down to surprise me! he came to our college he's going to be in town for like a week I told him he could sleep on our couch."

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