Chapter 53

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"Fuck! what do we do" Hope started to panic.

"Calm down, everything is going to be okay there's a hospital about thirty minutes from here we can make it there in time," Caroline said.

"And it's much better than having a baby in a jet if you ask me" the blonde twin mumbled.

All the guests were watching the scene from their tables.

"I'll go get my car, Hope, Josie, make sure you have everything you need I'll drive you," Jed said taking out his keys and running out to his car.

"What about Brooks?" the brunette turned to her wife.

"MG and I will take him back to your apartment and put him to sleep, we'll meet you at the hospital tomorrow," Lizzie said before Hope could even open her mouth.

"That works for me, let's go babe" the auburn took her wife's hand before helping her walk out of the dining hall.

When they exited the building they saw Jed's car pull up to the front.

"Please try to keep the baby in, this is a rental" the wolf said opening the back door for his best friend.

The siphoned glared at the man.

"I'm just gonna shut my mouth now,"

"Probably a wise decision" Hope patted his shoulder before sitting in the back with Josie.


"How are you feeling," Hope said rubbing the girl's stomach.

"I'm okay, just small aches right now," the brunette said leaning her head on the girl's shoulder.

Hope leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"Buckle up," the wolf said pulling out of the parking lot and heading to the hospital.

"Fuck, fuck it's hurting," Josie said squeezing Hope's hand, the auburn is pretty sure she heard something break.

"We're here babe it's okay."

Jed came out with a nurse who brought out a wheelchair. The wolf opened the back door and Hope and the nurse helped the brunette into the chair.

"How far apart are the contractions?" The nurse said.

"A couple of minutes apart maybe?"

"We're going to take you straight to the delivery room, the doctor will come to check on you and tell you what the plan is."

They both nodded and were taken to a room in the labor and delivery section of the hospital.


The nurses put monitors on Josie's stomach to monitor the baby's heartbeat, everything seemed to be good with the baby but the brunette was still in a lot of pain.

"Fucking hell" Josie groaned and arched her back.

"Everything is okay babe."

"No, it's not! I'm in pain and I don't need your reassuring words right now!" the brunette snapped.

The nurses awkwardly turned their heads as they continued to work.

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