Chapter 36

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Hope and Jed were parked in a car, they were hidden in a dark part of the parking lot so they couldn't be seen.

They had been here for about thirty minutes now and there was no sign of activity so they both were bored.

"I'm bored can we talk or something," Jed asked.

"Talk?" Hope raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah talk like about your life or something the silence is killing me" the wolf chuckled.

"Okay... uh-" she looked around thinking of what she could talk about before she thought of something.

The auburn pulled the small black box out of her pocket and opened it, holding it out to Jed whose eyes widened when he saw it.

"You're going to propose??" he said taking the ring and inspecting it.

"I was."

"You aren't now?"

"I will eventually I was planning on doing it a few days ago but you showed up."

"Shit... is that why you had candles on the table the day I came into town."

"Yeah, I had the whole thing planned out
I wanted it to just be me, her, and Brooks but things changed pretty fast."

"Sorry dude."

"It's fine I'll just come up with another way... and hope she says yes."

"Are you kidding? that girl is crazy about you every time we talk she goes on rants about how much she loves you and how perfect you are."

Hope smiled slightly "really?"

"Oh yeah, she even tells me about how good at sex you are which- I really don't need to know but yeah- the point is she's going to say yes Hope don't have doubts."

Just as Hope opened her mouth a car light shines over both her and Jed, when she looked over she saw a car park and a guy getting out of the car.

"Do we go now?" Jed asked.

"Yeah," she said and they both got out of the car and walked towards the man who was talking to someone on his phone.

"Hey we need to talk to you" she called out and the guy looked at her and immediately backed into the brick wall of the daycare.

"I don't want any trouble" he held his hands up in surrender.

"Lovely because neither do I, now how about you answer my questions and you get out of here and on your way hm?"

"Yeah- okay" the man nodded his head fastly.

Hope took out her truth orb before looking at Jed and giving him a nod.

"Where were you two days ago between eight and four" Jed questioned.

The guy thought for a second before looking at them "I was helping my girlfriend move into her new place."

The orb turned blue indicating he was telling the truth.

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