Chapter 31

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Hope this puts a smile on someone's face

He walked closer to them "I knew I wasn't crazy, you have been acting odd for weeks since you've been back I hoped you didn't disobey me and that you really didn't have that bastard but you did."

"Don't fucking call him that" Hope said standing in front of them.

"Oh look at you getting all protective
it's quite pathetic."

"What's going on?" Lizzie said coming up behind Alaric.

Alaric took out a stake from his pocket "I'm going to kill that thing and then your sister."

Josie held Brooks closer to her while Hope shielded them with her body.

"Dad put the stake down you aren't going to do anything," the blonde said.

"Yes I am Elizabeth, I have to do this."

"That's the problem! you don't have to, you have this hatred for the Mikaelson so you are trying to take it out on an innocent baby."

"He isn't going to be an innocent baby in a few years he's going to be a man-eating machine and I'm not going to let that happen."

"You don't know that!"

"Look how his grandfather was! and the Mikaelson's before him!"

"You can't fault a literal child for bus heritage! look at Hope she was different from them and I know you've seen it."

"It doesn't matter what I saw it has to be done" he started walking towards them with the stake.

Lizzie held up her hand "dad... please don't make me do this."

"I'm doing this for you it's what's best."

"Dad I'm begging you please stop," Lizzie said tears starting to come out of her eyes.

Just as he held up the stake and was about to stab it through Josie and Brooks they heard a snap followed by Alaric's body falling to the ground.

Josie's eyes widened as she looked down at her father's dead body and then at her sister who standing there in shock.

"Lizzie?" the brunette said stepping closer to the blonde.

Lizzie didn't answer choosing to just stare at her father's body.

"Lizzie" the witch shook her sister finally getting the girl to look up at her.

"I- I- couldn't let him kill you- i- just-"

"I know," she said bringing her sister in for a hug.

"He's dead" she whispered.

"I know..." she rubbed the girl's back as she felt tears on her neck.

"So this is all over?" Freya said as they all stood around the kitchen island.

"Well not completely, people are still looking for Brooks but that's nothing we haven't handled before," Hope said taking a sip of her water.

Josie then walked into the kitchen with a burping cloth on her shoulder "I just put him down."

Hope nodded in response.

"Well this means we can go back to our normal lives, you two can finish school, we can go back to New Orleans we'll just have to be on high alert."

"Thank you for everything Aunt Freya," the auburn said hugging her Aunt.

"No need to thank me I'd do anything in my power to help your little one" she hugged back.

Caroline walked in as she was hanging up her phone "well Kol and Rebekah just buried Alaric's body so no one ever has to see that asshole again."

Josie silently nodded.

"How's Lizzie handling everything she won't talk to me," the brunette asked suddenly.

"She's doing okay I'm going to take her back to Europe with me so she can heal there away from everything that reminds her of him here."

"That's probably for the best."

"Well, we should all probably sleep a long day tomorrow."

Hope nodded and took Josie's hand leading her back to the room.

Once they were in the room they climbed into the bed and immediately held each other close.

"Today was exhausting."

The brunette looked up at her "wow you don't say."

"Oh shut up" Hope laughed.

"I'm kidding... but Hope..."

The auburn looked down at her "yeah?"

"Thank you for always fighting for us, I love you."

Hope gave her a soft look "I love you too Josie, always and forever."

"Always and forever" Josie repeated before they both shared a slow kiss.

Time jump next chapter 😉

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