Chapter 12

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I was just messing with y'all here's a new chapter 😉

"It's okay baby sit down okay?" Caroline said helping a scared-looking Josie back into her seat.

"M-Mom I'm scared," Josie said.

"Don't be scared okay? you have me and your sister" she stroked Josie's cheek.

Caroline then turned to Lizzie who looked panicked "stay with your sister I'm going to talk to the pilot and see if we can land."

Lizzie quickly nodded and took her sister's hand as Caroline made her way to the front of the plane.

"We need to land," Caroline said.

"Well that isn't exactly possible we are in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and will be for a few hours."

"My daughter is in labor so unless you want her to give birth on the back of your jet you better find a way to get to land fast" she hissed before walking back to Josie and Lizzie.

"Mom it's hurting" Josie groaned.

"Already?? your water just broke you shouldn't have the baby for another few hours" Caroline said.

"Yeah well I only found out I was pregnant a few months ago but look where we are!" she said a little more aggressively than she wanted to.

"Well maybe we still have time and it's just contractions-" the blonde witch said.

"Ah!!!" Josie said squeezing Lizzie's hand causing the blonde to yell with her.

"Calm down honey" Caroline tried to tell her daughter.

"Don't tell me to calm down" Josie said sweat beads already forming on her face.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" Hope asked as she rolled her suitcase into the mikaelson compound.

Suddenly Hope heard small footsteps and soon enough felt two tiny arms wrap around her leg.

"I misted you!" Nik said looking up at her.

Hope smiled at her little cousin before picking him up "I missed you too... so much" she said kissing his cheek.

"Where is everyone else?" she asked Nik.

"Right here love" she heard her Aunt Rebekah say.

"Aunt Bex!" Hope said bringing her aunt into a side hug.

"Have you grown you look taller" the blonde said.

"Doubt it" Hope laughed.

"There's my favorite niece," Kol said walking in with a glass of bourbon in his hand.

Hope set Nik down before hugging Kol.

"You have no idea how much I missed being here," Hope said.

"Breath breath," Lizzie said breathing in and out trying to get Josie to breathe with her.

Josie then tried breathing in but nothing was helping, the pain was only getting worse.

"Fuck!" Josie groaned.

"Watch your mouth," Caroline said.

"Mom I mean she's in labor- I think her cussing is the least of our problems."

Suddenly Josie felt a lot of pressure and she clutched onto the airplane seat "mom something is wrong."

"Shit..." Caroline knew what this meant "take off your pants."

"What?" Josie said.

"Well if what I'm thinking is happening right now... then you are about to have your baby."

"W-What no mom I can't have my baby on a plane" Josie shook her head.

"You don't really have a choice okay? but we are here for you every step of the way."

Lizzie nodded in response.

Josie sat there for a moment before slowly nodding.

Caroline then went to the sink and washed her hands before lifting the sleeves of her sweater.

Josie slid her pants off.

"Oh my god!" Lizzie said seeing the baby's head.

"What?" Josie said before looking down "oh my god."

"Don't freak out that's normal" Caroline said.

"Don't freak out?? how can I not?? I have something sticking out of me right now!!" Josie said.

"Lizzie hold her hand okay? if you feel any pain just squeeze your sister's hand."

"Wow thanks, mom," Lizzie said taking her sister's hand into her own.

"Okay push for me okay?" Caroline said and Josie slowly nodded.

"Push," Caroline said and Josie slowly started pushing crushing Lizzie's hand in the process.

Lizzie just rubbed Josie's back while trying not to cry at the possible broken hand her sister is causing.

"Okay give me another Josie you're almost there you got this" Caroline said giving her some words of encouragement.

Josie gave Caroline a big push before coming to a stop, she repeatedly shook her head "I have to stop m-mom I cant i-"

"Josie, you have to okay? just a few more pushes and you'll be a mom, you'll have your baby."

Josie felt the tears already streaming down her face this is the worst pain she has ever felt but she nodded anyway.

"One long push Josie can you do that?"

"Yeah," she said breathlessly before getting into position.

"Push," Caroline said and Josie did as she was told.

"The heads out Josie keep going!" Lizzie said excitedly.

Suddenly all at once the pain slowly settled down and when she opened her eyes her mom was holding a baby boy in her arms.

"L-Let me see him."

Caroline looked down at the baby that has yet to make a noise.


"Come on," Caroline said as she started patting the baby's back.

"Mom why isn't he crying," Josie said.

Caroline started continuously rubbing and patting the baby's back.


Thoughts? 🤭😇

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