Chapter 13

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Last one for today enjoy 😄

After a long grueling couple of minutes, watching her mom try and get her baby to breathe the jet was finally filled with the loud cries of her baby.

Josie started crying when she heard what was now her new favorite sound.

"You have a son," Caroline said setting the baby on Josie's chest.

"I knew it was a boy," Lizzie said before grabbing a blanket and putting it over both Josie and the baby.

"Hi, my love" Josie whispered against the baby's head.

He squirmed a bit in her arms before he started sucking on his fingers.

"God he looks just like Hope," Lizzie said as Josie stroked his head.

"Let's give them a minute Lizzie," she said gesturing for the blonde to go to the back of the plane with her.

Lizzie nodded before getting up and going with her mom.

Josie looked down at the baby in her arms and smiled sadly "we're gonna go see your momma."

"I'm sorry for keeping you a secret from her... I just wanted to protect you... at all costs, not that she couldn't I just didn't want to risk your life" she said stroking the baby's auburn hair.

By the time they landed in New Orleans
it had been a few hours since Josie had the baby.

She was going to tell Hope about him as soon as she landed but it was getting late so they all decided to stay in a hotel near the Mikaelson compound.

"Oh god please don't pee on me, Grandma isn't back with the diapers yet, but she will be soon and you can pee all you want then," Josie said wrapping one of her shirts around the baby and using it as a cloth diaper for the time being.

"It's so weird to think you have a baby," Lizzie said coming out of the bathroom and getting on the bed by Josie and the baby.

"Yeah... I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself" Josie says as her son's small hand clings to her finger.

"Have you thought of any names?" Lizzie questioned.

"I've already kept him away from Hope I thought me and her could come up with a name together."

"Jo you did it for both of your safety, stop making yourself feel bad" Lizzie said.

"I'm trying," Josie said.

They both sat there in silence staring at the baby before Lizzie spoke up.

Lizzie sighed "anyways- until he has a name I'm calling him peanut" she smiled.

"Peanut?" Josie raised an eyebrow.

"Mhm Aunt Lizzie's little peanut," the blonde said placing a kiss on her nephew's cheek.

Suddenly the hotel room door opened revealing Caroline carrying a bunch of bags.

"Okay I got diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, formula, and onesies," she said kicking the door closed with her foot.

"You're a lifesaver," Josie said grabbing the diapers and pulling one out before walking over to her son and taking off the t-shirt diaper.

This proved to be a bad idea, as soon as she pulled it off he peed all over her shirt.

"Oh he's a comedian is he?" Josie smiled down at him.

In the morning Hope walked down to the dining room where she saw all of her family sitting at the table.

"Wow she is finally awake we have been waiting for you love," Rebekah said.

"Sorry I was up late last night I was feeling weird?" Hope said sitting down at the head of the table.

"Weird?" Freya questioned as she cut up Nik's pancakes.

"I don't know how to explain it but I'm okay now," she said grabbing bacon.

"Hope we were wondering if you wanted to go out to-" they all stopped talking when they heard footsteps.

Suddenly Josie walked into the room.

Hope stood up and immediately smiled "Josie," she said and looked down noticing a baby in the brunette's arms.

"Who's baby?" Hope questioned.

Hesitantly she saw Josie pull down the shoulder of the baby's onesie revealing a crescent birthmark, the same one Hope had.

"Hey that's the same-" her words suddenly died in her throat when she came to the realization

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