Chapter 50

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"Wake up little witch" Hope whispered in her son's ear as she rubbed his back.

The toddler stretched his legs and arms before turning and looking up at his mother, he gave her a small smile before grabbing his blanket and covering his face.

"We have to get up baby" the auburn chuckled and picked Brooks up along with his blanket.

"No," he said before burying his face in Hope's neck.

The auburn walked into her room where Josie was still laying down, she set Brooks on the bed who immediately crawled by Josie and cuddled into her side.

"Am I going to have to drag you both out of bed?" she said putting her hand on her hip as she looked at the two.

"Jo, we have an appointment in an hour," she said rubbing the brunette's arm.

"I'm up" she yawned.

"Well at least you aren't as stubborn as our son" she gestured to the 3-year-old who had already fallen back asleep.

"To be fair he did stay up pretty late last night," Josie said getting out of bed and making her way over to the dresser.

"True," she said before getting into the bed with Brooks.

"Do you want to go see the baby in mommy's tummy? we can get pictures of her or him if you get up."

"Baby?" the boy yawned and looked at her sleepily.

"Yeah, your baby brother or sister" she smiled.

"I want to see baby" he sat up.

"I'm going to get him dressed, be ready in fifteen?" she looked up at Josie who nodded in response.

Hope picked up their son before making her way back to his room to change him into his daytime outfit.

"Mommy! we get food!" Brooks said as he played on his tablet in the backseat.

"After the appointment, we'll go and get breakfast at the diner," she said looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"You excited?" Josie asked turning to Hope who was gripping the steering wheel to the point her knuckles were turning white.

"Excited, nervous, all the emotions really" she chuckled "I didn't get to see this with Brooks so it's going to be cool seeing the baby on the sonogram."

"Brooks was a little trouble maker, he would always block his face, he even shot the middle finger at me and the doctor."

"That's my boy" Hope grinned.

"Let's hope this one doesn't do that" the brunette chuckled and rubbed her baby bump.

"Well if he or she is like me, expect a little bit of mischief," the tribrid said as she parked the car.

When Brooks noticed they were parked he tried getting out of his car seat by himself, when he couldn't he started to kick the seat.

"I'm coming I'm coming," Josie said getting out of the car and making her way to the back to unbuckle their three-year-old.

She helped him out of the car and walked into the doctor's office, holding his hand so he didn't run off.

"We have an appointment for Josie Saltzman" Hope said as they walked up to the receptionist's desk.

The woman typed on her computer before looking up at them and giving them a kind smile "go ahead and take a seat the doctor will call you back in a moment."

They both nodded before walking over to the corner of the doctor's office that had a play area.

Brooks immediately ran over to the toys and started playing with a truck he saw.

After fifteen minutes of waiting the doctor finally called them back and led them towards a room. 

Josie got up onto the exam table as the nurse got the sonogram machine ready.

"Can you lift your shirt please?" the woman asked, and Josie did as she was told.

The doctor then applied the gel to Josie's stomach before she ran the sensor over her stomach.

Hope set brooks down on the couch that was in the room before walking toward her fiancé and interlocking their hands.

A moment later they saw the baby pop up on the tv that was on the wall in front of them.

"Mommy! baby!" Brooks pointed.

Josie smiled at her son before looking up at Hope who looked amazed.

"You baby measuring at thirty-five weeks, it had a healthy heartbeat, and I'm not seeing any birth defects."

Hope brought Josie's hand up her mouth a placed a kiss on her knuckles.

"Would you two like to know the gender?" the doctor asked looking at them.

Hope and Josie shared a look before the brunette looked at the doctor "we want to wait until the birth to find out."

The doctor smiled "okay, well I'm going to print you some photos and you three can be on your way."

Josie just nodded in response.

When the doctor walked out the brunette sat up "what did you think?" she said as she wiped the gel off her baby bump.

"That was amazing," Hope said kissing Josie.

"Ewww," Brooks said seeing his mom's kiss.

"Oh, no is he already at that age" The auburn looked at her pregnant fiancé.

"I'm afraid so," Josie said and they both shared a laugh.

When they got done at the doctor's office they got in their car and drove to a diner that was close to their house.

They had been going here since they first moved into the neighborhood.

"Josie, Hope, Brooks" the waiter greeted "your usual booth is clear today" she smiled.

"Thanks, Hannah" Hope said before they all walked to the booth and slid in.

"I get chicken?" Brooks asked looking at the menu even though he couldn't read.

"Anything you want my love."

About twenty minutes later when they finally got their food and started eating the bell to the diner chimed signaling someone entered.

"There you guys are!" Lizzie said walking up to their table.

Josie nearly choked on her food "Lizzie what are you doing here."

"We have wedding planning to do! duh!"

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