Chapter 41

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Josie didn't think she'd have to do this again, she thought she'd only have Brooks and that would be it.

She didn't want to have to deal with this on top of solving how to keep her father and Maya dead.

If they weren't in the situation they were in right now she'd probably be happier about the whole thing.

"Open up" Josie heard her sister call out, she immediately opened the door letting the blonde in.

"See how helpful I can be? you should've come to me the first time" Lizzie rolled her eyes and gave Josie the pregnancy test.

"Shut up," she said before pushing her sister back out.

"What are you going to do if you are?" the blonde asked as Josie took the cap off the test and took it.

"Well, first I'm going to grab scissors and cut Hope's dick off then... then I don't know" she sighed before setting it on the counter.

"Can I come in now?"

"Yeah come in," she said.

The blonde then opened the bathroom door sliding back in.

"Well upside, you and Hope make very cute babies... so you'll have two adorable babies."

"Don't jinx me" she groaned.

"How did you manage to get pregnant."

"Well Lizzie when a woman and a woman love each other very-"

"I know about that! I'm just saying last time I heard you both were using protection.

"Yeah well, that doesn't always work!" Josie snapped.

"God, you are already a hormonal bitch."

The brunette shot her sister a glare.

"Sorry sorry- check the test it should be done now."

The brunette took a deep breath before picking up the test off the counter and turning it around.


The brunette looked up at her sister.

"Yeah it's decided you are getting a vasectomy," Josie said walking into her old dorm room where she, Hope, and Brooks were staying in.

"What-" Hope asked confused.

The brunette stood there for a second hesitating before she handed Hope the pregnancy test.

The tribrids eyebrows furrowed before she looked at what Josie just handed her.

The girl's eyes widened and she looked up at her fiancé "holy shit."

The brunette crossed her arms and looked down "say that about twenty more times and you'll be where I'm at just about now."

"What are we gonna do..."

"I don't know Hope" she scoffed "I don't know how we're going to deal with the Alaric and Maya problem while I'm pregnant."

"We'll figure it out we always do," she said softly.

"We're already protecting one how are we going to protect two? why can't we just be at peace for once instead of always fighting" the brunette started to cry.

Hope stood up and wrapped her arms around Josie pulling her close to her body "it's okay love..."

"Mommy! I brushed my teef by myself!" Brooks said excitedly as he came out of the bathroom holding up the spider-man toothbrush Caroline had bought him.

Josie wiped the tears off her cheeks before turning to her son and smiling at him "I'm so proud of you baby" she said before picking him up.

"Why you cry mommy," he said putting his small hand on her cheek.

"I'm okay baby" she gave him a soft smile.

They all heard a frantic knock at the door
followed by MG barging in.

"We've got a problem," he said with wide eyes.  

Hope and Josie both shared a look before they both followed MG.

MG lead them to the cafeteria, at first, the brunette was confused as to what the problem was until she got a good look around.

"Holy shit," she said as she saw Stefan, her grandma Liz, and her bio mom.

"That bad word mommy," her toddler said.

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