Chapter 55

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"Please don't pee on me" Hope said as she lifted Andrea and brought her over to the sink where she wet a cloth and started washing her hair.

Ella started crying and squirming as Josie started to put her onesie on.

"Don't cry my love we are going home today, today's a happy day" she kissed the girl's cheek.

"No!" Hope yelled.

"What??" Josie looked up.

"She peed on me!" Hope lifted the baby away from her shirt showing a wet spot.

"Well I think her crying expressed she didn't want her hair washed, your fault babe" Josie grinned.


When they had the twins dressed and in their car seats the nurse wheeled Josie out of the hospital. Hope walked out of the hospital and strapped the twin's car seats into the car making sure they were secure before walking around to Josie.

The wolf helped her wife into the car before getting in.

"You ready baby?"

Josie smiled "I'm ready, let's go."

"Welcome home my girls" Hope said walking in with both car seats in her hands that the babies were in.

"Momma!" Brooks ran out of his room at the sound of her voice.

"Brooks!" she smiled.

"You home forever now?" he looked up at her.

"Yes baby we're home forever now" she set the babies on the coffee table and picked up her son, giving him a tight hug.

A moment later Josie walked into the house setting her stuff down by the door before closing it.

The brunette took a deep breath "I know I've only been gone two days but I've missed our small apartment."

"Now that we're back how about we watch Disney movies and eat junk food?" Hope suggested.

"That sounds perfect."

Hope had Andrea laying on, and Brooks on her lap while Josie had Ella in her arms.

They had decided to watch Monsters inc for the one-hundredth time because Brooks was very good at convincing them with his adorable pout.

"Sully!" Brooks said pointing at the tv.

Hope smiled and looked up at the ceiling in thought.

"You okay?" Josie asked.

"Yeah, I'm just really happy" the wolf turned to her and brought her in for a kiss.

This is the end 🙁🫶 thank-you for everyone who has read and supported this story! my Hosie soccer AU will be my new fic which i really hope you all enjoy!

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