Chapter 51

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"Okay, my plan is to have the wedding before the baby comes," Lizzie said as they walked into the apartment.

"Lizzie, your sister is nearly full term," Hope said.

"Exactly! This is why this should've happened weeks ago but because of certain circumstances it was postponed."

"I don't know Lizzie..." Josie said as she helped Brooks take off his shoes.

"Trust me, I already have everything planned out we just need to fit Hope for a tux, and we need to get you a dress, Josie."


"Good! glad there are no objections, your wedding it's next week I sent the invitations out a couple of days ago."

Hope and Josie both shared a look.

"I hate this" Hope said as she stood there getting her arms measured.

"Oh quit being a baby if your fiancé can do it, so can you" Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"Yeah," Josie said sticking her tongue out at Hope as she got her bump measured.

"How much longer," the auburn-haired girl complained, she had been standing there for nearly thirty minutes.

"We're on the last measurements," the tailor said.

"So how is this going to work I'm going to go out and pick what I want to marry Josie in? and the tailor is going to fix it to my size."

"Something like that" Lizzie waved her off as she typed on her tablet.

"All done," the woman said and Hope finally sat down.


"Okay mom is here" Lizzie announced to the room.

"Mom is here??" Josie said.

"Yep! and Jed tagged along with his boyfriend Ben."

The brunette clapped excitedly.

"We should probably get going though, they are going to meet us at the wedding dress place, and Hope, MG will be going with you to the tux place because I'm forcing him to" the blonde smiled.

When Josie and Lizzie stepped out of the car they saw Jed and Caroline leaning against a car that she assumed was a rental.

"Mom, Jed!" Josie smiled happily as she walked up to them and pulled them into a hug.

"Hey" the wolf smiled.

"Hey, sweetie."

"You ready?" Lizzie looked at her watch "time is of the essence people."

The three of them pulled away and looked at each other before looking at Lizzie.


"This one won't even zip up" Josie frowned as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Just come out we want to see it" Lizzie called out.

"I'm sure you look great" Caroline commented.

With a sigh, the brunette stepped out from behind the curtain and walked down the small stage.

"Oh," the blonde said as she saw the dress that looked like it was worn by a grandma.

"It's- yeah-" Jed said.

"It's something-" Caroline said.

"Yeah... go try on the next option," Lizzie said shielding her eyes.

The siphoner went behind the curtain and changed into the next dress.

"Wait... I like this one" Josie said as she turned in the mirror and examined the dress.

"Show!" Lizzie called out.

The brunette smiled at herself before she walked out onto the stage in a white dress that had long lace sleeves, and looked as if it was made of white flowers.

"Oh my god, you look so beautiful..." Caroline said snapping a few photos.

"This one is my favorite" Jed said.

Lizzie smiled and nodded "oh yeah that's the one."

"Does this look good?" Hope said as she looked at the white woman's tux she was wearing.

"Looks good to me," MG said.

"What do you think little man?" the wolf turned to her son.

"Momma looks pretty" he smiled up at her.

She smiled and picked him up "how about we go pay for this and go to the McDonald's next door and get you a happy meal?

"Yes!" he clapped his hands together.

"What about me?" MG said.

"Don't worry buddy we'll get you a happy meal too" Hope squeezed his shoulder before making her way to the back to take off the suit.

Once she was done the auburn went to the front and paid for the suit before taking Brooks's hand and walking to the McDonald's next door with MG.

Once they placed their orders they went to a table that happen to be right by the kids play place.

"Momma! I play" he pointed.

"After you eat baby," she said.

The boy crossed his arms and pouted.

"How did you know you wanted to marry Josie?" MG said out of the blue.

Hope raised an eyebrow "you want to marry Lizzie?"

"Just a hypothetical question" he chuckled nervously.

The auburn nodded and leaned back "I've never loved anyone like I love her, one day... I got tired of calling her, my girlfriend, we had a son, and... I wanted to be her wife more than anything because she always accepted me for me, she gave me our children, and the love I have for her it's the most magical thing I've ever experienced."

MG just sat there and nodded.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just really happy for you."

"Thanks, man" Hope rubbed his back before turning back to Brooks who was pointing at his happy meal.

"It done! it done!"


This was a filler sorry 🙈
But the wedding is next chapter!

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