Chapter 38

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Hope told me to write last chapter yall!!! don't blame me!!
                                          follow her ⤵️

Also thank-you to my bff Ravenfyre3xpress for helping me with this chapter you are the best 🫂 🤗

"Fuck, that's not how I wanted to ask. This whole week hasn't gone as planned, but at this point fuck it." Hope says as she starts to clean herself up and roll off the bed.

"Wait," Josie insisted while grasping onto the tribrid before she could completely pull away. "Ask me again."

Blue eyes met brown and Hope could feel herself getting nervous again.

"Let me do this right, sit at the edge of the bed...I'll be right back."

The auburnette quickly ran to their dresser on the opposite side of the room and made her way back over to her girlfriend.

She had a little tiny box with her as she got down on one knee, "I didn't think I'd be asking you during..." her voice trailed off for a moment "but... I've been thinking about this all week, about how much I want you... so Josette Lucas Saltzman would you marry me?"

The tribrid stayed there on one knee was the brunette just silently stared at her. This made Hope terrified of what her answer would be what if she said no?

Suddenly the brunette grinned at the tribrid with a wide smile before getting off the bed and walking over to the same dresser Hope was at moments ago.

Hope watched the girl's movements with a confused look on her face, what did this mean?

When she saw the girl turn around, the twin had a similarly shaped size box in her hands.

The tribrid's eyes widened and her heartbeat started to pick up.

Hope was feeling overwhelmed as her girlfriend knelt down beside her on the floor, "looks like we had similar ideas..." she chuckled wetly tears already forming in her eyes "Hope Andrea Mikaelson...I have been and will be forever yours since the first day I met you." Josie says as she slides the cold metal onto her girlfriend's finger.

"So is that a yes?"

"Yes," she whispered before connecting her lips with Hope's.

When the auburn pulled away and rested their foreheads together she let out a small grin.

"You're going to be Mrs.Mikaelson."

Josie smiled back as she eagerly kissed her fiancé "Josette Mikaelson sounds perfect."

"I can't believe you're going to be my wife."

"I can't believe you're going to be mine," Josie said as they both giggled and interlocked their fingers.

In the morning Josie woke up to Hope's naked body pressed up against hers.

The brunette turned over in Hope's arms and buried her face in her fiancé's neck.

"That tickles" she mumbled.

"I wanna hold you deal with it" she kissed the inside of Hope's neck before resting her head.

"Mommy! I hunwy!" they heard a voice say from outside the door.

"We should probably go take care of our offspring," Hope said sleepily.

Josie leaned up and placed a kiss on Hope's lips before climbing out of the bed and making her way over to the dresser.

"Give mommy a minute baby" she called out as she took a top out and put it on along with a pair of shorts.

Josie grabbed a cover and threw it over her fiancé's naked body "get up in the next 10 minutes let's tell Brooks we're getting married" she smiled before walking out.

When she opened the door her son looked up at her "good mowning mommy."

"Good morning my sweet boy," she said picking him up.

When they got into the kitchen Josie grabbed him an applesauce pouch before setting him in his booster seat.

"You go to scool?"

"Yeah we have to but you, my love will be going to your Aunt Freya's house."

"Wif Nik!"

"Yes, baby Nik will be there."

"Yay!" he said excitedly.

"Good morning what are we excited about," Hope says walking out in her boxers and tank top.

"He's excited to see Nik."

She hummed in response before putting on some coffee.

"We should tell him now" Hope whispered in her ear as she wrapped her arms around Josie from behind.

"Do you think he'll even know what it means?"

"He always watches all those Disney movies that have weddings in them plus your sister is always ranting to Brooks about what she would want her wedding to look like so I'm sure he'll know."

The brunette nodded before they walked over to the kitchen table and sat in front of their son.

"Mommy and I have something very important we want to share with you little one."

He looked between them with a confused face as he ate from his applesauce pouch.

"We're going to get married," the brunette said as she and Hope held up their hands showing their toddler the diamond rings.

"Do you know what getting married means?"

"I be flower boy!"

The siphoner chuckled "if you want to be love."

Brooks then climbed off his chair and ran up to his moms and pulled them both into a hug.

"I'm here!" the door suddenly swung open as they were having a group hug revealing Lizzie.

"Sadly not under good circumstances."

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