Chapter 21

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Smut in this chapter (you're welcome) if that makes you uncomfortable don't read 🫣

Over the past few weeks, Josie had been spending a lot of time with Jed, being around the boy was quite refreshing and was something the girl didn't know she needed.

She missed having people to talk to, not that she couldn't talk to the Mikaelson's but she missed talking to people her age.

And the wolf was amazing with brooks
every time Josie brought him anywhere with them he always helped her, and her son seemed to like Jed he never cried around the boy and was always comfortable in his arms.

"He likes you" Josie chuckled.

"He's my little dude we've formed a bond," Jed said and took Brooks's hand and brought it to his own, doing a fist bump.

"You are such a nerd," she said taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Wow Jane I'm not going to lie to you I'm very offended by that insult."

"You'll get over it" she patted his shoulder.

He laughed before setting Brooks back in the stroller "are you hungry?" the boy said looking over at her as he strapped the infant up.

"I could eat" she nodded.

"I'll go order us some food from that vegan place around the corner I'll be back," he said before walking in the direction of the restaurant.

She sighed as she watched him walk away, she wanted to tell him who she was so bad but she couldn't risk blowing her cover.

"You two have been spending a lot of time together" she heard a voice and looked over to see Hope.

"Are you stalking me?"

"What- no- I was going to pick up some fruit for Freya and happened to see you on the bench."


"So are you and Jed like a thing or something" Hope looked down.

Josie blushed and looked down "no... we aren't and we can't I could never do something with him knowing who I am it would only hurt him."

"But you want to."

"Hope?" they heard Jed say as he walked back up to Josie.

"You know Jane?" he asks confused.

"Yeah she's a family friend... just wanted to say hi."

Jed nodded and respond and took his seat back next to Josie, he handed her a takeout box.

"Uh- well I'm going to leave you two be" she sadly smiled and walked away.

Josie watched her walk away with a frown on her face.

"I got us these veggie wrap things I'm not sure what's in it but they looked the most appetizing" he chuckled.

"Aw, Jed, you didn't have to get a veggie wrap too I don't mind you eating meat."

"I know" he smiled "just wanted to try the food you eat."

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