Chapter 44

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When the driver pulled up to the Mikaelson manor Josie unbuckled Brooks who immediately climbed out of the car and stood close to Josie, wrapping his arm around her leg.

The brunette rubbed his head before grabbing their bags from the trunk.

"Let's go see Aunt Freya my love" she held her hand out to her son who immediately took it.

When they walked into the manor they heard voices coming from the kitchen.

The brunette's eyebrows furrowed in confusion when she heard a voice she didn't quite recognize.

The voices stopped when the floorboard creaked under the brunette and toddler's feet.

"They're here" she heard Freya say.

When they entered the kitchen Josie's eyes widened at who she saw standing there.

"Klaus... Hayley."

"You must be my darling daughter's fiancé yes?"

She just stood there not knowing what to say.

"We weren't told about this little one," Klaus said looking at the small child.

"I Brooks!" he said.

Freya cleared her throat and stood up "that's Brooks... Hope and Josie's son."

"Son?" Hayley said before looking at the toddler with a soft look.

Josie suddenly heard her phone ring and when she took it out she saw her fiancé's contact name pop up.

"It's Hope" she looked at Hayley and Klaus before answering the phone.

"Hey, babe I just wanted to check up on you since it's been a bit since you called me," the auburn said with worry present in her voice.

"I'm sorry... we've got a bit of a problem here..."


Klaus held out his hand gesturing for Josie to hand him the phone, so she did.

The man put the phone on speaker "hello love" he said with a smile on his face.

"Who's doing that... that- that's not funny" Hope said.

"It's me little one... I don't know how but I'm back."

"No that's not possible you- he died, he was staked and turned into ash."

"Baby it's him, he and your mother they are both here at the compound..." Josie said softly.

There was a bit of silence on Hope's end, she was probably trying to process this.

"I've got to get down there... I can be down there in 2 hours."

"Hope you can't," Freya said cutting in on the moment.

"I have to! my parents are there I need to get down there!"

"Think of your son Hope, he needs you to stay down there to fight what's coming you need to protect him your parents will be here when everything is done I will make sure of it."

"I promise baby we will be here..." Hayley said.

"Okay..." they heard Hope whisper.

When Hope ended the phone call her arm dropped to her side as she stared at the wall of the library.

"Hope? are you done yet?" she heard Lizzie walk in.

When Hope turned around the blonde noticed she had tears running down her face and her heart dropped.

"Is she dead? please don't tell me they're dead" Lizzie said sounding panicked.

"No, no they're okay they're fine they made it back to New Orleans."

The blonde let out a sigh of relief "then why are you crying" she asked with a frown.

"They brought my parents back" she said with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Lizzie's eyes widened "holy shit... wait... isn't that a good thing?" she asked confused.

"They're back now but we don't know how long that's going to last... what if they're taken away from me again," she said wiping the tears away from her cheek "I- I can't deal with that again i just... it took me so long to heal the first time and now there's a chance i have to go through it again..."

"Hey... hey don't say that" Lizzie brought her future sister-in-law into a hug "everything is going to be okay... I'm not sure why they are bringing them back but we will do everything in our power to make sure they stay."

Hope just nodded and sobbed on the blonde's shoulder.

Later that evening when everyone settled down and was catching up, Josie went to the kitchen and started making Brooks his dinner.

The brunette flipped the eggs, trying not to throw up.

"Are you okay?" she heard a soft voice say and looked up to see Hayley.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm okay the food's making me a bit nauseous but Brooks wanted breakfast for dinner so here I am" she chuckled slightly.

"You're pregnant?"

"How did you-"

"The smell of eggs made me sick when I was pregnant with Hope" she smiled and leaned against the archway.

"How far along are you?" the woman asked.

"A month maybe? but this baby will be born in a few months" she said putting the eggs onto a small plate and cutting them up.

"A few months? how is that possible?" Hayley's eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well when I was pregnant with Brooks I was only pregnant for about 3 months he kept growing every week... the doctor said it's because of Hope's tribrid gene."

The woman hummed in response.

Josie put some strawberries on the plate and grabbed a juice box "do you want to take this to him?" she smiled.


"Yeah, you are his grandma he should get to know you."

Hayley smiled softly before taking the small plate and juice box from the brunette and making her way to the living room where the toddler was sitting in front of the tv.

"What are you watching?" the woman asked her grandson.

"Bluey!" he said.

"Wow that's my favorite show," she said before putting the plate and juice box in front of him.

"Me too!" he said before grabbing a strawberry and shoving it in his mouth.

"Can I watch with you?" she asked to which the 3-year-old nodded.

Hayley sat down on the carpet next to the boy and watched the show with him.

Josie smiled and took out her phone, taking a picture of the two and sending it off to Hope.

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