Chapter 42

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Josie stared in shock as she watched her mother holding Stefan and Liz in a tight embrace.

Her gaze then turned to Josette who was staring around the room trying to figure out how she is here.

"I missed you both so much" she heard her mom sob.

"I'm right here," Stefan said and buried his face in Caroline's neck.

"How exactly are they here?" MG asked.

"We think Maya and Alaric are bringing them back we don't know why..." Hope sighed.

"I hungy mommy" Brooks pouted.

"Mommy?" Josette looked at her.

Stefan and Liz also looked at the brunette.

"Who's this?" Stefan asked.

"That's Josie... my daughter."

Stefan's eyes widened and he looked at Caroline "how much time has passed since I've been gone?"

"About 16 years," she said.

"You have daughters..." Liz looked at her daughter with a smile.

"Yeah... I had them a few years after you died."

"Well now that everyone knows everyone we should probably get the witches to do some tests on them," Hope said suddenly.

"Who are you?" Stefan questioned.

The auburn crosses her arms "I'm Hope Mikaelson."

"As in-"

"As in my fiancé and mother of my son" Josie interrupted "and yes her father is Klaus but that doesn't define her."

"Let's just get you all tested okay?" the blonde vampire said.

Josie was in the kitchen cutting up Brooks peanut butter and jelly when Hope walked in.

"Well did they find out anything?" the brunette said glancing up at her future wife.

"Well we found out they are all human now... no one has any powers like they did before Josette is no longer a siphon... and Stefan is no longer a vampire" she sighed.

Josie handed Brooks his plate and he began eating.

"I just don't understand why they brought them back when they already sent dana... they obviously know their way of coming back is safe," she said crossing her arms.

"It's just a waiting game at this point," Hope said and wrapped her arms around Josie, resting her hands on the girl's stomach.

The brunette put her hands on Hope's and leaned into the girl "I'm just scared."

"I know... but everything will be fine I will make sure of it."

Josie silently nodded.

"We should probably tell everyone in pregnant so they don't find out from Lizzie."

"That's going to be fun let's hope your mom doesn't kill me."

"You should be fine we are adults and are engaged" the brunette turned around in the tribrid embrace and wrapped her arms around the girl's neck.

"Yeah but getting you pregnant during all of this? she's going to be disappointed."

"It's not like we planned it."

"I know b-"

"Mommy eats some!" Brooks said holding up a piece of his sandwich.

"Mommy isn't hungry right now baby," the brunette said softly.

"But mommy feed babies" he pointed to her stomach.

"You heard the boy" the auburn chimes in.

"Wow, are you ganging up on me?"

"We are simply looking out for you babe" she smiled.

"Fine I'll eat... then Brooks can tell grandma" she smiled.

"Wow forcing our son?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Yep," she said taking a piece of peanut butter and jelly and eating it.

"Let's go," she said picking up Brooks.

When Hope, Josie, and, Brooks walked into the library where they were testing Stefan, Liz, and Josette they saw Caroline talking to her husband.

"Give this to grandma" Josie whispered in her son's ear before setting him down.

The toddler ran over to his grandma and handed her the positive pregnancy test.

She bent down and took what was in his hand "thank-you honey" the blonde said before looking down at it.

Her eyes immediately snapped up to her daughter "oh Josette you didn't."

"Blame her!" she pointed to Hope.

"Woah I didn't do anything."

The brunette gave her a look.

"Yeah okay..." she sighed.

"Well then, you're going to have to take a step back and not fight in whatever is coming our way," her mother said.

"What n-" the brunette started only to get cut off by her fiancé.

"I totally agree which is why I'm taking it upon myself to send Josie and Brooks back to New Orleans with my family so they will be safe," the auburn said.

"What- we never discussed that," Josie said.

"Hope's right it's not safe here I'm already evacuating the school you should go back they can keep you safe."

"I want to help you guys, there will be a better chance if I helped" the brunette tried to reason.

"You can help us from New Orleans, away from the fight please do this Josie for me," the auburn said.

The siphoner sat there silently and watched her fiancé.


Hope smiled and kissed her cheek "you should go pack the driver will be here later this evening."

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