Chapter 3

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A couple of weeks went by and Josie had been feeling awful, She could hardly hold anything down and she was constantly running a fever which was confusing for the brunette, Josie never got sick so she was a little concerned.

Even in her sick state, Josie got up for class much to her sister's dismay.

"I'm serious Jo you should seriously just lay down today you look sick I've never seen you so pale."

"Lizzie I don't want to be behind on a bunch of work all because of a little cold," Josie said as she walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"Just get in bed please I'll tell dad and make sure he excuses all your work," Lizzie said.

Too tired to argue Josie just nods and climbs back into bed getting under the covers.

"I'll come by and check on you during my free period STAY IN BED," Lizzie said setting a glass of water next to Josie's bedside table.

"Okay..." Josie says tiredly and closes her eyes quickly falling asleep.

When Josie opened her eyes she saw a figure hovering above her and quickly jump.

"Woah it's just me Jo" Hope laughed.

"God you scared me," Josie said holding a hand to her chest.

"I brought you some soup I heard you were sick," she said setting a container of soup on the bedside table along with a spoon.

"You made me soup?" Josie smiled.

Hope blushed and looks down "yeah... it's the soup my mom makes me every time i'm sick."

"Thank you," Josie says before opening the container a looking at the soup which looked quite good.

Hope smiled and nodded before she sits on the bed in front of Josie "how are you feeling?"

"Well I have a lot more energy than I did earlier and I don't feel like throwing up so pretty good right now" Josie shrugged.

"I haven't ever seen you sick I was surprised when Lizzie told me," the auburn said.

"Yeah me too..." she said taking the spoon and eating a little bit of the soup.

"Oh my god," Josie said letting out a small moan "this is so good what's in this?"

"That's a secret I'll never tell" Hope laughs.

"I'll get the recipe out of you eventually" she pointed the spoon at Hope.

"We'll see Ms.Saltzman" Hope smiled smugly.

Hope then looked at the time and saw she had a few minutes to get to class "shoot I have to go" she sighed "I'll come back later to check on you okay?" she smiled.

Josie nodded in response.

Hope then walked out of the room leaving Josie to devour the rest of her soup.

Josie was surprised she was keeping the soup down usually she would eat one bite of something and immediately throw up.

Ten minutes later Josie found herself in the bathroom unloading the contents of her stomach in the toilet.

"Shit" Josie said leaning back against the tub.

"Jo?" she heard her sister call out.

"In here" Josie called out and her sister came into the bathroom.

"You okay?" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah" Josie waved her off.

Lizzie then began looking through her cabinet.

"What are you looking for?" Josie said holding onto the sink and standing herself up.

"Stefanie needs a tampon she ran out so I thought I'd just bring her one since I was coming to check up on you anyways," Lizzie said finally finding the tampon box and grabbing a couple out.

"Oh" Josie nodded "oh....." she said coming to a realization.

Lizzie looked at her and raised an eyebrow "what?"

Josie's gaze immediately looked at her sister "uh- nothing."

"You look all panicky-? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay you should probably get going you have class in a few."

"You're right... well call me if you need anything" Lizzie said hugging her sister.

"I will," she said.

Lizzie gave her one more smile before walking out of the room leaving Josie to her thoughts.

"Fuck..." Josie said taking out her phone and texting someone.

"Did you get it?" Josie said as she opened the door.

"Of course I got it but why do you need it Jo-" MG said taking off his backpack and taking out a grocery bag that had a small box in it.

"MG, why do you think I would need this" Josie said staring at him.

"Oh..." he says rubbing the back of his neck "does Lizzie know?"

"No, and you aren't going to tell her."

"You want me to lie to Lizzie? that's going to be hard Jo..."

"Please MG no one can know I'm serious" Josie pleaded.

"Okay... okay... I won't tell anyone I promise" he said bringing Josie in for a hug.

"Thank you," she said wrapping her arms around him and resting her chin on his shoulder.

"I'm always here Jo if you ever need me," he said pulling away and rubbing her shoulder.

"I know" she smiled before walking him to the door.

Josie let out a sigh and walked back into the bathroom.

About Five minutes later after building up the courage Josie opened the box and pulled out the pregnancy test.

She let out a sigh as she hesitantly peed on it before putting the cap back on it and setting it on the table.

There's no way she could be pregnant right?

She and Hope used a condom... she thinks?

Woman miss their periods all the time it's probably from the stress of school she's going to be fine everything is going to be fine.

"You're going to be fine," Josie said to herself as she looked into the mirror.

About three minutes later Josie picked up the test holding it on the blank side scared to see the results.

"You're going to be fine" she repeated before she flipped the test over.

Her heart stopped when she saw the results.


Josie looked at herself in the mirror feeling the tears threatening to spill.

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