Chapter 49

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Smut featured in this chapter 🙈 if that makes you uncomfortable don't read

When Hope's private jet landed she looked out the window, she saw Josie and their son standing by their car.

The toddler was holding his mom's hand and pointing at the plane saying something she couldn't hear over the plane's engine.

The tribrid let out a small smile before she got up and opened the plane door.

"Momma back!" Brooks looked up to Josie and pointed at Hope.

"Let's go see her my love" she smiled down at him.

The boy immediately let go of Josie's hand and started running towards Hope who had her arms wide open waiting for the boy to run into her arms.

When he did Hope held him close to her chest and placed about a dozen kisses all over his face and neck.

The little boy let out a series of giggles "stop momma!"

"I'm sorry I just missed my favorite boy so much" she smiled at him before turning to Josie who had a big smile on her face.

"You can't say that for long" she gestured to her stomach "you don't know what we are having."

Hope rolled her eyes playfully "there's my favorite fiancé" she said before putting her arm around Josie and pulling her into a hug.

"How many fiancés do you have?"

"Only four."

The brunette playfully slapped Hope's arm in response.

"Kidding" she grinned.

Brooks, who was still in Hope's arm wrapped his arms around his mother's neck as they had a family hug.

When they pulled away, Hope placed a kiss on Josie's lips.

"Where are my parents?"

"At home, they're waiting for you."

"Then let's get going," she said taking Josie's hand and walking towards the car.

When they got to the compound Hope got out of the car and circled to Josie and helped the brunette get out of the car before turning to the backseat and taking their son out of his car seat.

"Are you nervous?" Josie asked looking over at her fiancé.

"Yeah... I'm also terrified... I haven't seen them in years."

"You got this baby..." Josie said placing kisses on the girl's neck and jaw.

Hope took a deep breath and nodded.

"Go see your parents" the brunette smiled and pushed the girl forward.

Hope slowly walked into the house and peered around not seeing anyone until she saw two figures come into the doorway.

"Hello, little one" Klaus smiled at her.

"Hey baby," Hayley said softly.

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