Chapter 23

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Sort of a filler but i didn't want to leave y'all hanging so here's a chapter besties

Josie watched as Jed paced around the living room trying to take all the information he had just learned.

"So you left the school because Hope got you pregnant... and your dad is after your son because he hates the Mikaelson family
and now you are hiding in this big mansion and were pretending to be Jane..."

"Yeah... pretty much" she bit her lip nervously.

"I just... I thought you'd trust me enough..." he shook his head and looked down "for months you pretended to be someone you weren't you made me..." he fell silent.

"Jed... that was all me everything I've ever told you... I promise" she stood up.

"How do I know that? especially after all of this??" he says with a sad look.

"What the hell is going on down here I almost had him down," Hope said coming down the stairs with a crying Brooks.

The tribrids eyes widened when she saw Jed standing in the living room with Josie who didn't have her masking spell ring on.

"Oh my god, Josie? what are you doing here" she dramatically gasped.

"I told him everything Hope" the siphoner sighed.

"Why the hell would you do that?? what if he tells Alaric and sends people after our son" she said as if Jed wasn't two feet away.

"He wouldn't do that."

"Hello, I'm right here?"

"Look I'm sure Jed is a very nice guy but are you 100% sure he won't? because I don't trust anyone with this secret outside of our family!"

"Okay enough! stop talking about me like I'm not in the room" he said shutting them up.

"I would never do that to you or Josie even though I'm mad at her right now..." he sent her a side glare "I'll protect your secret with my life I promise."

Hope rolled her eyes and continued to rock Brooks "yeah whatever."

"Thank you, Jed..." she reached for the man.

"I'm not doing this for you I'm doing it to keep little dude safe," he said backing away from her as Josie tried to reach for him.

"I should get going... my mom wants me home now," he said before making his way out of the mansion.

"If something happens I'm blaming you, Josie."

"Do you really think I'd tell him if I believed he would go and do something like that? no, I'm not that stupid."

She sighed and walked up the stairs with the baby who has since calmed down "let's hope so Josie."

In the morning Josie was woken up
by Brooks who was laying on his stomach in his crib screaming at the top of his lungs.

"I'm here baby," she said rubbing her eyes and standing up to pick the baby up.

As soon as he was in her arms he clung to her and buried his face in her neck, she softly smiled at the gesture before making her way downstairs.

"Well look who it is" the tribrid glared at the girl from her spot on the counter.

"Are you seriously still mad?" she rolled her eyes before walking over to the cabinet and pulling out the formula tin along with a bottle.

"What are you mad about?" Freya said eyeing the two.

"Oh I don't know Josie what am I mad about?" the auburn said taking a sip of her coffee.

Josie stayed silent and continued making Brooks's bottle before warming it up, once it was done she grabbed it and put it in the baby's mouth who immediately started drinking from it.


"I told Jed who I was."

"Josie!" Freya hissed.

"I know! but he won't say anything okay?"

"Your damn right he's not because I'll make sure you won't," the witch said taking out her phone and texting someone.

"Who are you texting?" Hope said trying to peer over Freya's shoulder.

"Your Aunt Rebekah she's going to come down here and compel the boy."

"What? no! we can do a truth orb and you'll see he's telling the truth I've already hurt him enough I don't want anyone compelling him."

"Josie... I just don't think you should risk it..."

"Don't trust him okay trust me" she looked between both of the Mikaelsons.

Hope stared at her for a second before nodding "okay."


"Okay I'll trust you but if he says anything to anyone I promise you I will rip his heart out," she said hopping off the counter and placing a kiss on brooks head before walking out of the kitchen.

"Fine Josie but if something goes wrong I'm compelling him immediately."

Josie nodded.

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