Chapter 46

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Sorry it's been a few days 💀 but i'm back with another chapter!

When Klaus woke up the man immediately exited his master bedroom and started to make his way to the bathroom down the hall.

As he put his hand on the doorknob he heard a noise come from downstairs that made him furrow his eyebrows.

He couldn't quite hear what or who was making that noise since he was no longer a vampire and didn't have his heightened senses.

"What the hell," he said before grabbing a bat that belonged to his nephew Nik and making his way downstairs.

He inched his way down the hall as he heard the noises get louder and louder.

Klaus turned the corner and held the bat up in the air ready to swing when he saw his grandson trying to climb up the fridge to reach the strawberries, the toddler was knocking condiments down in the process, which explains all the noise he was hearing.

"What are you doing," Klaus said lowering that bat.

The toddler quickly turned his head and fell at the sudden voice "ouchy" he said.

The man gently helped the boy up "where's your mother little one?"

"Sleepin" he looked up at Klaus.

"And why were you down here by yourself?" he said.

"I wanted stwabawy" he pouted.

"Luckily for you, little one strawberries happen to be my favorite and I could use some," he said before going to the fridge and grabbing the container of strawberries.

The 3-year-old clapped his hands together before running to the dining room and climbing up into a chair.

A moment later Klaus joined him at the table with a bowl and knife, the man cut off the stem of the strawberry before cutting it in halves for the toddler.

"Here love," he said sliding the bowl over to Brooks.

"Thank you" he smiled sweetly at the man before he started eating the fruit.

Klaus watched the small child with a fond smile, getting memories of when he and Hope would get up early to have breakfast together.

"Brooks?" they heard Josie call out.

"In here mommy!"

A moment later they saw a very pregnant-looking Josie walk down the stairs looking around the room.

"Wow, mommy belly big!" Brooks pointed.

Klaus leaned close to the auburn boy's ear "I wouldn't say that, women don't typically like that" he pats his back.

"I sorry mommy" he frowned.

"It's okay my love," the brunette said and placed a kiss on her son's head before sitting in the chair next to him.

"I'm sorry if he was a bother, he likes to wake up before me and leave the room," Josie said.

"It's quite alright, we just were in the middle of eating strawberries."

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