Chapter 28

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Double Update!

"Oh you are not getting that," Josie said as she looked at the shirt Jed was wearing.

"What's wrong with it?" he frowned and looked down at the clothing which he thought was pretty cool.

"Jed you are going on a date I don't think a shirt with a big wolf on the front is the way to go" she pointed out before throwing the wolf his shirt back.

"Fine whatever" he frowned and took the shirt off and put his back on.

"We'll find you something better" Josie looked through the clothes rack.

"I bet Brooks loves the shirt huh?" he showed the shirt to the baby who smiled up at it.

"Oh you can't do that he loves wolves Hope reads him stories about them every night that's not fair... plus he's five months old" she laughed.

Josie looked at her son "don't listen to Uncle Jed he doesn't have a good taste in fashion."

"She's just a hater" he whispered to the baby.

"I think I found something," she said holding up a button-up red black, and yellow flannel.

"Flannel? really?" he looked at it unsurely.

"Well it's a casual date you are going to the grill and you look good in flannels trust me on this," she said putting the shirt into the cart.

"Fine, I trust you," he said giving in.

"Just wear the flannel with a pair of jeans and he'll fall in love with you" she smiled at him.

"Woah let's not go that far it's only the first date" the wolf laughed as they made their way through the store.

"Just teasing."

"So are you going to start dating again?" he questioned and looked over at his best friend who was shaking her head.

"The only date I'm having is with this one" she tickled Brooks who shrieked in response.

"I'm done with people I'm just going to focus on me and my favorite boy" she smiled down at her son.

"What about me?" he raised an eyebrow as he put all their items on the checkout counter and started ringing them up.

"You're my second favorite boy" she rolled her eyes "don't get jealous."

"Let's just pay shall we?" he said taking out his card.

Back at the mansion, Jed got dressed in his outfit while Josie sat on the bed waiting for him to come out.

When he walked out of the bathroom he did a little spin and the brunette started clapping and whistling.

"See I told you it looks amazing."

"I need to start trusting you more" he looked at himself in the mirror

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"I need to start trusting you more" he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Now's the time to fix your hair," she said hopping off the bed and walking towards the wolf.

"Woah I did not agree to this" he ducked away from her but Josie grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and made him sit in the chair.

"I'm not sending you out there looking like a mess," she said grabbing some hair gel.

"Not too much I'm not Landon," he said eyeing the gel.

She playfully rolled her eyes before taking a bit of the hair gel and putting it on his hair, making sure it looked perfect.

They both heard the room door open and turned to see Hope standing in the doorway "uh- I'll just come back you look busy..." she then walked out.

Josie cleared her throat and looked back at Jed "all done now get going to that date."

"Okay wish me luck... and pray I don't embarrass myself."

"You won't now go!" she said walking him to the front door.

"Fine..." he said before walking out of the house and down the driveway to his car.

Josie smiled and shook her head before walking back to her room where she saw Hope sitting on her bed, her hands folded into a fist and resting against her mouth.

"Did you need something?"

The tribrid looked up at her before motioning to the bed beside her.

She slowly walked towards the bed and sat down "Hope what's going on?..."

After a moment of silence, the auburn turned towards Josie pulling the girl into a kiss.

Josie tensed for a moment before she melted into the kiss, she brought her hand up and held the nape of Hope's neck as she kissed her urgently.

Coming to her senses she gently pushed Hope away.

"No, no you're with Maya this is wrong... and you said you don't like me i-"

"I don't want to be with Maya."

"W-What? but you said you did and that's why you didn't- why are you so confusing."

Hope bit her bottom lip contemplating if she should tell the brunette.

"Maya is blackmailing me."


"I'm not even supposed to be telling you this" she stood up "she found out about Brooks she followed me home after I told her I didn't like her like that she saw us watching a movie together."

Before Josie could say anything Hope continued talking.

"And she threatened to tell your dad if I didn't be with her! which I had no choice in because she linked herself to you so if I killed her I killed you which I didn't want to happen because I love you and didn't want to lose you or Brooks and this situation is just so fucked and now you're mad at me which technically isn't my fault but you still are" the girl rambled and paced back and forth.

Josie stood up and put her hands on the girl to stop her from pacing "slow down."

"You can't tell anyone you know about this Josie I'm serious she'll tell Alaric."

"I won't tell."

"Promise me Josie okay? promise me you won't I can't lose you" Hope said desperately.

The brunette noticed tears starting to stream down the girl's face.

"I promise okay..." she cupped Hope's face in her hands and placed a small kiss on the corner of her mouth before bringing the girl in for a hug.

"Thank you," the tribrid said burying her face in the girl's neck.

Can you tell i love writing the Jed and Josie friendship?

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