Chapter 19

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It was early in the morning and Hope had gotten up extra early to go train in the gym
with Jed.

"Woah what's up with all the extra aggression," he said as he held the punching bag in place for Hope.

The tribrid shrugged "I have a lot of things to be angry about right now... and punch this helps."

"Do you want to talk about it?" he said kindly.

She gave him a look.

"Right... got it dumb question."

Suddenly the gym doors opened revealing Lizzie who immediately walked up to Hope and grabbed her by the back of the neck and forced her out of the gym.

"Does that mean we are done working out!" he called out as he saw the two girls exit the gym.

Lizzie pushed Hope into her room and
put up a silencing spell.

"Did you have to drag me here?? I would've come willingly!"

"You have been ignoring me for the past few days! when where you going to tell Josie about you and Maya!"

"I didn't know I was required to tell her?"

"She obviously can't tell you who you can date but you should tell her you are dating people! she is the mother of your child and this would affect her at some point to Hope."

Hope sighed "you're right... you're right I'll tell her at some point."

"All I ask," Lizzie said her arms in the air.

As Lizzie was about to leave they heard a knock on the door, when Hope opened it Maya was on the other side with a beaming smile.

"Hi" she smiled.

"Hey" Hope smiled back slightly.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah! sure Lizzie was just leaving" she gave the blonde a pointed look.

Lizzie rolled her eyes and walked out.

"I was coming to see if you were ready for our date but I can see you aren't-" Maya's eyes trailed over the girl's body.

"Shit I'm sorry! I lost track of time- give me like thirty minutes and we can go."

Maya nodded "I'll be in the student lounge" she pointed to the door before walking out.

Hope let out a sigh before she started undressing.

Josie picked up Brooks who let out a cry at the brunette disrupting his sleep.

"Shh, my love," she said before gently laying him in his stroller and buckling him up.

"Where are you off to?" Freya said.

Josie looked up at the woman when she heard her enter "just want some sunlight we've been in the house for days."

"Make sure-"

"To wear my ring I know" she smiled.

"Be safe okay?"

"I will I promise," she said putting on her ring that made her look like a different person.

When she walked out and felt the sun hit her skin she closed her eyes and savored it.

When she arrived in town it wasn't as busy as it usually was, only a few people here and there, and Josie was honestly thankful for it.

"We're gonna go get some food from the grill mommy has been craving," Josie said to her sleeping son before walking into the grill.

Josie went to the counter and placed her order before making her way to a booth.

She slid into the booth before looking over at brooks who had drool all around his mouth, she took a napkin and wiped it up.

She went to cover him up but suddenly came to a stop when she looked up to see Hope in a booth with some girl.

Where they on a date?

Hope never mentioned going on a date with her, not that she needed to because Hope is her own person.

Hope was smiling at the girl and it made Josie's chest hurt for some reason.

Suddenly the tribrid looked in her direction, and the girl's eyes widened in recognition.

Josie immediately looked away.

She then looked back only to see the girl coming in her direction.

"Meet me in the bathroom" Hope whispered as she went by.


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