Chapter 8

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Thanks for getting this fic to 1k reads already that's insane

"Baby wake up," Hope said feeling someone
kiss her bare shoulder and snake their arm around her waist.

"I'm up" she mumbled her eyes still closed.

"Opens your eyes" she kissed up Hope's neck.

"They are" Hope mumbled with her eyes closed.

The hand that rested around her waist slowly made its way to the waistband of her boxers.

Hope turned around in the girl's arms "I'm up now" she said opening her eyes and seeing Josie.

"Oh are you?" she said against Hope's lips.

"Mhm," Hope said before pulling the girl in for a slow kiss.

Josie started palming Hope's clothed center but eventually came to a stop when they both heard crying coming from the other room.

"Our daughter wants me" Josie whispered.

"Just another minute," Hope said putting her hand on the brunette and continuing her movement.

"If I keep her waiting she'll set her bear on fire again... she may only be six months but she has your temper," Josie said giving her one more kiss and getting out of the bed.


"Hope" she felt someone shake her awake, when she looked up she saw Maya hovering above her.

"Are you okay?" Maya asked.

Hope looked down seeing she had a hard-on "uh- I'm fine- why wouldn't I be..." she said discretely grabbing her bag and setting it in her lap.

"You were moving around and making noises in your sleep- I just wanted to make sure everything was fine."

"Yeah- everything is good," Hope said looking around noting she was in the student lounge.

"What time is it?" the auburn asked.

"Five minutes until curfew" Maya said.

"Okay thanks-" Hope said getting up.

"Hope- do you maybe want to-" Maya started but Hope had already exited the room.

"Never mind..." the curly haired girl sighed and walked out of the room.

In Europe Lizzie had just landed, Josie and Caroline were standing outside of the plane waiting for the blonde to get off.

"Josie! mom!" they heard someone call out and they looked up to see Lizzie waving at them as she exited.

When she got out she immediately ran up to her mom and twin pulling them into a tight embrace.

"I missed you guys so much," Lizzie said.

"I missed you too honey" Caroline laughed as she stroked Lizzie's back.

"Can you let go a little Lizzie?" Josie said letting the blondes back.

"I haven't seen you in a month let me enjoy this" Lizzie said.

"It's just- you are pushing the baby into my bladder" Josie groaned and Lizzie immediately pulled away.

"Sorry-" Lizzie said before looking at her sister's stomach "wow you weren't kidding about being pregnant."

"Yes, Lizzie I've been lying about this pregnancy the whole time you caught me" Josie rolled her eyes.

"Come on girls we should get going," Caroline said glancing around.

Lizzie raised an eyebrow at her mom before looking around to "why?"

"You never know who could be watching us."

"Mom's right it's better to be safe let's go," Josie said linking her arm with her sister and walking out.

As they walked out of the airport someone bumped into Josie's shoulder really hard.

"Ow," Josie said looking to see a man" she immediately got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Watch out asshole!" Lizzie said before pulling Josie away.

"Are you okay?" Lizzie said noticing the look on Josie's face.

Josie shook off the bad feeling she had and started walking "uh yeah I'm fine let's go home."

Lizzie slowly nodded before they both got into the car and drove off.

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