Chapter 16

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When Hope arrived at the compound
she saw a guy cleaning a rifle in a secluded part of the place.

When he noticed Hope he immediately tried to run away only to get stopped by Kol.

"Oh please don't stop because of us" Hope tilted her head and gave him a fake smile.

Kol then grabbed the man and pushed him into a chair.

Caroline, Rebekah, and Freya then walked out of the shadows.

"And what were you planning on using this on?" Hope asked eyeing the gun.

"For your bastard baby of course," the man said.

Hope clenched her fist before landing a punch on the man's nose.

"Fuck you!" he said spitting blood on her face.

"You tried to kill an innocent baby for money, you deserved that."

"Yeah well, I get paid for something I wanted to do anyways I call it a win-win."

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this very much" Hope said.

"Go ahead and kill me! many others like me want your baby to die and we won't stop until he is."

Not wanting to hear his voice anymore Hope plunged her hand through the guy's chest and ripped out his heart.

"This mission was less bloody than I was expecting," Rebekah said handing Hope a towel.

"I thought Alaric only sent one person you are telling me he is sending multiple??" Freya said.

"Looks like it" Hope sighed "we need to take out Alaric..." she said wiping the blood from her hand.

"I'll do it, dear niece no one will ever know it was us," Kol said.

"I don't think Josie cares if he dies but... Lizzie would I think that's why she's so hesitant" Hope said.

"We'll talk it over we should probably head back," Freya said.

"What about the body," Rebekah said.

"Leave it, one of his looney friends deserves to find him dead maybe it will send a message," Hope said and they all walked out.

When they got back to the compound
they saw Lizzie sleeping on the couch, Caroline immediately covered up her daughter and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Wondering where Josie and her son were Hope walked into her room and saw the brunette sleeping with the baby securely in her arms.

Hope smiled at the sight before she slowly took the baby from the girl's arms.

Brooks made small crying noises but calmed down when Hope placed delicate kisses on her cheek.

"It's okay baby," she said holding him in one arm and using the other to cover up the brunette.

She hesitated before she left a kiss on the girl's forehead and walked out.

When she entered the dining room
she saw her Aunts and Uncle sitting at the table all drinking.

"Hey," she said sitting down with brooks.

"Still can't believe you have one of those" Rebekah said taking a sip of her bourbon.

"I still am one of those" Kol said.

"Oh trust me we know," Rebekah said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah I still can't wrap my head around it," Hope said looking down at brooks who was furrowing his eyebrows in his sleep.

"Are you mad at Josie?" Freya questioned.

"I thought I would be... but... I'm just glad he's here... and that she had him I just- can't be angry" she said looking at her family.

"Understandable" Freya said.

"So are you going to marry her?" Kol asked.

"Kol!" Freya and Rebekah said in unison.

"What! she already knocked the girl up I was simply asking a question," he said.

"To answer your question... no... I actually have a date."

"Do you really think that's a good idea honey? especially now."

"Probably not but... I need to have a somewhat normal life."

"Who's the girl you are going on a date with."

"Maya Machado" Hope said and Brooks immediately started crying.

"I agree with him," Rebekah said gesturing to brooks.

"I'm going to see if he needs to be changed" the auburn then went to her room.

"Do you think she'll come to her senses?" the older mikaelson woman said looking at her siblings.

"We can only Hope" Rebekah sighed.

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