Chapter 39

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"Awunt Izzy!" Brooks said running up to her and jumping into her arms.

"There's my favorite nephew" she kissed his forehead.

As they got up Josie stood in front of Hope who was still in her boxers "uh- not that I'm not happy to see you but why are you here?"

"Well my dear sister I'm afraid something is going on in mystic falls," she said resting Brooks on her hip.

"Could you be any more vague?" the tribrid said rolling her eyes.

"Do either of you remember dana? my ex arch nemesis turned goo?"

"Well yeah, I quite literally saw her die."

"Yeah, I helped you fight her at the football game, what about her?"

"I was wondering the school grounds with MG when we came across her alive at the cemetery somehow..."

Hope and Josie shared a look.

The blonde looked between the two with a confused expression.

"What do you two know?" she pointed.

"W-What who says we know something."

"Because you stutter when you lie!"

"Okay fine! just hold on let my fiancé go put some pants on and we'll tell you."

"Oh gross she isn't in pants- wait FIANCÉ?"

Hope slowly backed away before walking into the room.

"She proposed to me last night" the siphoner held up her ring.

"Holy shit and you didn't tell me???" Lizzie said grabbing her twin's hand and looking at the huge diamond on her hand.

"Mommy tolded me," Brooks said.

"Did you tell everyone but me??"

"Lizzie it happened last night! we wanted to tell our son before announcing it" she rolled her eyes.

"Okay fair- but congratulations! I'm so happy for you even though you can do so much better" Lizzie said bringing her into a hug.

"Thanks?" the brunette said hugging her sister back.

"I heard that" Hope walked out now in a pair of jeans.

"You were meant to" she gave the auburn a fake smile.

"Now tell me what you know."

Over the next ten minutes, Hope and Josie explained to Lizzie everything they had found out over the past few weeks.

"Wow... okay so you're thinking Maya and dad could have something to do with this?"

Josie nodded.

"Well you're going to have to come to Mystic Falls," the blonde said.

"We can't exactly do that Lizzie we have lives here, we have school we can't just take a trip until the holidays."

"Oh you are an amateur, my dear Josette, there is a simple solution for all your worries."

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