Chapter 35

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Surprise double update!

When they entered the Mikaelson compound with Brooks who was practically screaming his head off Freya was immediately by their side.

"Tell me everything," she said taking the toddler from Josie and laying him on the table.

"We were putting him to bed when Hope noticed his body had a rash on it and we were confused as to where it came from" Josie started.

Freya held her nephew's arm up as she examined the rash and black veins starting to form on his tiny body.

"And when I went to look over his body I lifted this necklace that was on his neck, I thought Josie put it on him, but she didn't" Hope added and held up the necklace.

The older Mikaelson took the necklace and looked it over.

"And when I went to pick it up, it burned me from how much dark magic was running through it..." the brunette said worriedly as she looked at her crying son helplessly.

The blonde nodded "I can feel the dark magic it's way too much for his little body to handle."

"Who did this Aunt Freya?"

"Hard to say but I can try a locator spell and find out who's magic this was before he consumed it but for now we need to focus on getting this dark magic out of him before it causes more damage."

"What were you thinking?"

"Well I was thinking Josie can siphon the magic out of him-"

"Absolutely not" Hope stated.

"-But even I think that's too dangerous for her so I think we should put it into a sand clock and I put a spell over it so it doesn't break."

"We did that with Josie in high school it broke anyways."

"Well you aren't a thousand-year-old witch with powerful spells up her sleeve are you?"

Hope shook her head in response.

"Exactly so trust me, dear niece."

"I don't know how I feel about this..." Josie said.

"You can stay out of the room while I take care of this if that makes you feel better," the Mikaelson witch said rummaging through a chest.

"Mommy" Brooks whined out as he clutched at his skin.

"I'm here baby," she said leaning over him and stroking his hair "I'm staying."

"Very well," Freya said taking out a sand clock and setting it on the table next to Brooks.

"Can I have your hand little one?" the blonde said to her nephew who shakily held his small hand up for her.

She gently took it and held it against the sand clock and they all slowly saw all the dark magic start to enter it.

They all noticed the toddler started to calm down his crying now turned into small sniffles.

"You're doing so good baby..." Hope whispered in his ear as Josie stroked his hair.

Once they saw the dark magic come out of him they noticed the small veins that were on his body start to fade but the rash was still there.

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