Chapter 25

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With summer coming to a close and the new school year starting up Caroline came back into town after being away the whole summer.

"Mom!" Josie said when her mom walked into the manor, she immediately ran and hugged her.

"Hey baby" the vampire closed her eyes and smiled "now where's my grandbaby."

The brunette pulled away and rolled her eyes "wow you haven't seen your daughter in over two months and you are more worried about seeing your grandson."

"Yes," the blonde gave her a cheeky smile.

"Here's the boy," Hope said walking towards them holding Brooks in the air who grinned when he saw Josie.

"There he is," Caroline said taking the baby and holding him close to her chest "he's gotten so big" she commented.

"He should be with how much he eats," the auburn said leaning against the archway.

They all then smelt a very foul smell and knew where it was coming from.

"Stinker" the brunette laughed.

"I'll go change him then we have some things to discuss," Caroline said before disappearing
into Josie's room.

"I wonder what she wants to talk about," she said as she watched her mom's retreating figure.

"Probably something to do with Alaric... seems like that's what we always talk about."

"You're right..." she then cleared her throat and looked up at Hope "so when do you have to meet Maya?"

"I told her I'd pick her up at 5, I'm probably just going to take her to the grill and tell her the truth... and hope for the best" she sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

They both stood there in awkward silence until Caroline walked in with Brooks on her hip "all cleaned now let's talk."

"Josie I think you should go back to school."


"Back to the Salvatore school", she clarified.

"What no way??" she stood up "that's dangerous I cant."

"Correction it's not dangerous, Alaric doesn't know you had the baby he has suspicions you did you would be safe as long as he doesn't see you with Brooks."

"So your saying I should go back to school and stay away from my son?"

"That's not what I said-"

"You were implying it."

"I'm simply saying you should go back to school and finish your education it's your senior year! you don't have to stay at the school overnight you can come back home after school."

"I don't know Caroline-" Hope said.

"Just think about it baby" the vampire squeezed her daughter's shoulder before walking out of the room.

Josie waited for her mom to walk out of the kitchen before turning to Hope "what do you think?"

The auburn leaned against the counter and sighed "well it's your decision but... it would be nice having you back at the school."

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