Chapter 9

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When Josie wakes up she feels different items of clothing being thrown onto her and on the bed.

Her eyebrows scrunch together before she takes the shirt that was thrown on her, off her face.

"Lizzie what the hell," the brunette said as she watches her sister dig through her closet.

"Oh good you are up we are going shopping get up," she says handing Josie maternity pants with a yellow sweater.

"Lizzie- I don't think that's the best idea."

"Why not? we hardly come to Europe might as well do some European shopping" Lizzie shrugs.

"Did you happen to forget that dad has people looking for me and my unborn baby? if someone sees me-"

"Which they won't and even if they do I'm there and will kill them before they get the chance to touch my favorite nephew."

"You think it's a boy" Josie raises her eyebrow.

"Oh I know it's a boy Josette and I'm never wrong," the blonde said.

Josie shakes her head "that is still a bad idea and how does mom feel about this?"

"Mom is not here she went out for a few hours which is why it's the perfect opportunity for us to go! please, Jo!"


"Please Josie" Lizzie pouts.

"Ugh! fine okay I'll go" Josie sighs "but first I'm hungry," she said getting up.

"Yay!" Lizzie said bringing Josie in for a hug "and I knew you were going to say that I made you breakfast it's on the table."

"Thanks Liz," Josie said waddling to the kitchen.

Hope was sitting at an empty table in the dining hall of the Salvatore school when she felt a presence standing above her.

When she looked up she saw Maya standing there with a soft smile on her face.

"Oh hi!" Hope said looking up from the schoolwork she had been doing.

"Can I sit here?" Maya asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Hope said moving her books out of the way so Maya could sit down with her tray.

"What are you working on?" the curly-haired girl asked curiously as she ate some of her salad.

"Just an essay for my potions class, witch things" Hope shrugged.

"And how's that going?"

"I'm pretty confident in my essay I usually get the top grade but I'm just editing it, checking for grammar errors, spelling mistakes" Hope nodded.

"Wow she's beautiful and smart" Maya smiled.

Hope looked down and blushed "you don't mean that."

"Sure I do... which is why I wanted to ask you something... I've kinda been wanting to ask for a while but I haven't had the courage so I'm just going to rip off the bandage."

"Okay..." Hope said closing her book so Maya had her full attention.

"I was wondering... if you would want to go on a date with me... it would be after spring break since that's coming up soon... but yeah... you know what this was stupid I'll leave" she says going to stand up.

Hope grabbed her hand stopping her "it's not stupid" she laughed and took her hand away "I'm a little shocked I'm not going to lie but... sure... I'll go on a date with you."

Maya's eyes widened "so that's a yes?"

"That's a yes" Hope confirmed.

Maya grinned at her "okay... cool I'll let you know the details soon..." she said before walking off.

"I still don't understand why you couldn't just let me buy it" Lizzie complained.

"Because I'm not letting you get my child a onesie saying I was the result of a one-night stand" Josie hissed.

"It's funny! plus he'll find it funny when he's older and I show him pictures." 

"Still a no Lizzie" Josie rolled her eyes.

"You are no fun at all" Lizzie said as they started making their way to the car.

"Good I wasn't trying to be," the brunette said.

"Lame," the blonde said walking to the driver's side and opening the car.

Just as Josie was about to open the car she felt a sharp pain in her stomach "fuck."

"Jo?? are you okay?" Lizzie asked concerned.

Suddenly Josie's stomach started glowing red causing the brunette to hiss out in pain.

"What's happening," Lizzie said panicking.

"I- I think the baby- is siphoning me" Josie managed to get out before she passed out.

"Josie!" Lizzie said putting Josie's head on her lap "wake up wake up."

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