Chapter 18

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I planned this and wrote it at like 4 in the morning so let's pretend this all makes sense yes? yes

They had been in New Orleans
for about a week now and spring break was coming to an end for Hope.

"You have to go back to the school," Freya said.

"Like hell I do!" Hope said.


"No, the man running that school has been trying to kill my son for no reason other than the fact that he is related to me I refuse."

"Don't you see that this is a good thing, Hope?" the older Mikaelson said.

"And how is this a good thing?"

"I was talking with Caroline and Lizzie, Alaric doesn't suspect that you or Lizzie know anything about Josie or the baby."

"And how would that be possible? didn't he send people after them in Europe and again in New Orleans?" Hope raised an eyebrow.

"Well we figured out why those people came after them, Caroline and Lizzie weren't cloaked so the people knew Josie would be with one of them."

"Didn't those people report to Alaric?"

"Those were independent workers, Alaric put out a bounty on the baby for anyone in the world to join in on, he doesn't know for sure brooks is alive only that there was a new very powerful being born."

"I still don't want to go."

"We need you on the inside to keep an eye on Alaric and tell us what you hear."

Hope stayed silent before she looked up at her Aunt and nodded.

"What about Josie and brooks where would they go?" Hope asked.

"Well we have noticed that brooks
gets upset when you are too far so we will be moving in with Josie at the mikaelson mansion in mystic falls for the time being."

"What?? are you crazy? that's dangerous."

"Hope I'm not as dumb as you might think I've come up with a plan," Freya says before gesturing to something behind Hope.

When Hope turned around she saw a girl with auburn hair holding her son.

"Who the hell is that," Hope asked.

Suddenly the girl took off a ring and it was revealed to be Josie.

"Hi," the brunette said.

"This is so she can go out in public without being recognized, and it's safe since they both have a cloaking spell on them now."

"I don't know how I feel about this..." she said unsure.

"Well, we don't exactly have another choice now do we?" Freya asked and Hope rolled her eyes and nodded.

The following day they all boarded the Mikaelson's private jet and headed off to mystic falls.

"You got your ring?" Hope asked.

"Yep," Josie said putting it on and immediately being morphed into another woman.

"If anyone asks, you are just in town visiting," Hope said putting Brooks into the carrier that was strapped to Josie's chest.

"I know your Aunt went over everything with me."

"Well let's go Jane" Hope winked at her and got off the plane with the rest of her family.

"Jane you'll take this car with us while they take the other back to the school," Freya said.

Josie nodded "will you come and visit?" she turned to Hope.

"Are you kidding? of course, I will is that even a question."

"Just making sure," Josie said.

"Bye buddy," Hope said stroking brooks' head before making her way to the car with Lizzie.

Josie sighed before getting into the car with Freya, Keelin, and Nik.

"Are you okay Ms.Josie?" Nik said changing seats so he was sitting next to her.

Josie smiled at the little boy "I'm a little sad but I'll be okay."

"How about I tell you about dinosaurs! that always makes me happy," he said smiling, showing his two missing front teeth.

"I'd love that Nik."

When Hope and Lizzie pulled into the school and walked to the entrance they saw Alaric greeting students as they came back.

It took everything in Hope not to rip the man's heart out on the spot.

"Lizzie, Hope," he said turning towards them.

"I trust everything was okay during break nothing happened?"

"Nope just spent some time with mom and Jo before I sadly had to come back here."

"Good..." Alaric said turning to Hope "what about you."

"Oh you know just got some much-needed family time" Hope gave him a fake smile.

Lizzie cleared her throat "well we should probably get inside we have a lot of packing to do" she said grabbing Hope by the arm and dragging her into the school.

As soon as they entered Hope saw Maya who immediately ran up to her.

"Hi! sorry I didn't text I was spending time with my brother and mom but I thought we could plan our date now that we are back."

Hope glanced at Lizzie who was giving her the 'what the hell look'

"Uh- yeah sure," Hope said.

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