Chapter 27

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Josie had been practically ignoring Hope
for weeks now and it was killing the auburn, every time she would see the girl in the hall the siphoner would immediately walk in the other direction to avoid talking to her.

The only time they talked was when it came to decisions for their son which Hope honestly looked forward to at least she knew the brunette had to talk to her then.

"Come on baby our friends are waiting for us in the dining hall," Maya said dragging Hope along.

Hope sighed and followed the curly-haired girl through the school until they made it to the location. When she looked around at their friends she noticed Josie having a conversation with Jed.

The sight made her chest hurt, the girl immediately looked down at the ground to distract herself.

"Who wants to go to the movie night they are hosting in the square tonight," Maya said looking around at their friend group.

"Sure I'm not doing anything" MG shrugged.

"I'll be joining," Lizzie said wrapping her arm around MG and placing a kiss on his cheek.

The next five minutes consisted of basically their whole friend group agreeing to go, the only people who haven't agreed on anything are Jed and Josie.

"We should go Jo it'll be fun," Jed said bumping his shoulder against the siphoners.

"Uh- yeah sure..." she said glancing up at Hope before looking back at her hands in her lap.

The tribrid cleared her throat "uh yeah I'm down to go too."

"Good I'll text everyone the details," the wolf said before skipping away with Hope.


"Wanna get going to class?" Jed turned to Josie.

"Yeah I guess" the brunette sighed and followed the taller boy.

"Why are you so gloomy?"

"My heart was crushed severely" she sighed and dragged herself down the hall.

"Been there..." he looked away awkwardly.

"I'm sorry about that Jed really-"

"It's okay Jo I'm moving on, no hard feelings" he gave her a small smile.

"Hope we can still be best friends" she smiled.

"I've spent time- a lot of it forgiving you Jo and I'd still like to be your best friend you're really important to me believe it or not."

"Well as your best friend you will be accompanying me to that stupid movie night... and I'll be going as Jane."

"What why Jane?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I want to bring Brooks he has been hauled up in that house for a while now" she shrugged.

He nodded "okay well I'll pick you two up at 6."

"We'll be waiting."

Josie put Brooks in his car seat, the baby was wearing a onesie that said mommy's boy on it.

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